This thousand-year-old town, which is one and a half hours away from Guangzhou, is directly accessible by high-speed rail. It is quieter than Fenghuang and more charming than Nanxun.

Some people say that those who love ancient towns are mostly nostalgic.
What they miss is the palm-leaf fan gently swaying in the hands of their grandmothers in their childhood, taking away the heat of the summer afternoon; it is the satisfaction of the watermelon chilled in a bucket, and the moment they bite it, the sweetness surges into their hearts.
Every bite of sweetness seems to carry a warm memory, which makes people have endless aftertaste.
Some people also say that people who like ancient towns are poets of life.
They know how to find a piece of tranquility in the hustle and bustle of the city, and absorb the wisdom and strength of life in the leisure time.
Every brick and tile of the ancient town seems to be telling the story of the years, waiting for the predestined person to listen.
And today, Luisito Comunica will present a different ancient town style for everyone-Huangyao Ancient Town.
Although it is not located in the Jiangnan water town, it also exudes a kind of elegant and charming charm.
Huangyao Ancient Town is like a flowing painting, waiting for us to explore, taste and feel the unique charm of the ancient town.

Live by the mountains, spirit by the water

Zhouzhuang in the east is graceful as a poem; Fenghuang in the west is magnificent as a painting; Pingyao in the north is simple and elegant; Huangyao in the south is beautiful.
Although Huangyao Ancient Town has been unknown for a long time among the ancient town treasures in China, few people know that it is hidden among the green mountains and waters of Guangxi, quietly blooming the glory of “China’s Top Ten Most Beautiful Ancient Towns”.
As the most complete ancient town of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huangyao Ancient Town is like a thousand-year-old beauty, revealing endless charm in a low-key manner. For a long time, it has been admired by literati and poets.
However, as time goes by, fewer people know about Huangyao Ancient Town today than in the past.
The flow of people is no longer as it used to be. Time seems to have forgotten this ancient town, but it is this forgetfulness that has made it unique.
Huangyao Ancient Town is more quaint and beautiful in its tranquility, making people linger and yearn for it.

First impression of Huangyao

Huangyao Ancient Town is not the graceful and soft beauty of the Jiangnan water town, but the unrestrained “wildness” nurtured by the mountains and rivers.
This thousand-year-old town is like a bright pearl, inlaid in the picturesque scenery in the northeast of Zhaoping County, Hezhou, Guangxi.
Although it is hidden in the boudoir, it is not delicate, but exudes a kind of tenacity and heroism.
The continuous mountains isolate the hustle and bustle of the world like a barrier, allowing Huangyao Ancient Town to live its life leisurely for thousands of years.
When the morning light first appears, the morning mist in the mountain stream gradually dissipates, the outline of the distant mountains gradually becomes clear, and the face of the ancient town is quietly revealed in this haze.
Huangyao in the early morning is calm and quiet, as if the whole world is immersed in this peace and tranquility.
The chirping of insects and birds interweaves into a pleasant melody, echoing in every corner of the ancient town, as if awakening the sleeping ancient town in a whisper.
The sun penetrates the boundless blue sky and falls on every inch of Huangyao. Although it is dazzling, fortunately, the dense tree canopy blocks the hot sun and softens it.
As the sun rises, Huangyao Ancient Town gradually becomes lively.
After breakfast, the elderly leisurely come to the river to wash clothes, and the children can’t wait to find their friends, with laughter and laughter.
Going deep into the ancient town, you can feel the atmosphere of fireworks.
The Lingnan folk houses in the Ming and Qing styles are neatly arranged along the maze-like streets of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, as if telling the long history of the ancient town.
The small shops on the street are open for business one after another, and residents selling vegetables and tourists are traveling along these eight streets to every corner of the ancient town.
Walking through the streets of the ancient town, the bluestone road under your feet seems to retain the traces of the caravans galloping in the past.
Chatting with the elderly sitting on the doorstep, listening to their stories of the past; whispering with the bluestone in the deep alley, feeling the tranquility and peace of the years.
Here, the ancient charm seems to be within reach, and the soul seems to have found the long-awaited pure land.
The feelings are precipitated and infiltrated bit by bit, making people indulge in this simplicity and tranquility, and unwilling to leave for a long time.

Walk into Huangyao

Walk through the ancient Suolong Bridge, through the vicissitudes of the watchtower, and step into the tranquility of Xingning Temple. The natural landscape and cultural landscape here complement each other, which is the essence of the ancient town.
The ancient stage with a long history has witnessed countless joys and sorrows; the dense ancestral halls carry the glory and inheritance of the family; many gatehouses stand like a solid fortress, guarding the tranquility of the ancient town; and the center of the ancient town-Yong’an Gate, the gate contains a deep historical heritage.
When you step into the door, it seems like you are traveling through time and space, touching every inch of Huangyao’s skin, and you will be intoxicated by this dreamlike ancient town.
Outside the door, the beautiful Yaojiang River is sparkling, and the sleeping fairy banyan tree is quietly watching, forming a harmonious picture.
When you come to the waterside, your heavy thoughts seem to be relieved and become light.
The ancient trees around are towering and lush, and the clear water of the river flows slowly, as if telling the past and present of the ancient town, making people intoxicated.
The Dailong Bridge and Shitiao Bridge are not to be missed.
Thousands of years of history have left mottled traces here, and these mottled traces are the witness of the inheritance of Huangyao people from generation to generation. Standing on the Dailong Bridge, looking at the Jianlong Temple on the right bank from afar, it seems that you can hear the echo of history.
When you are tired, sit on the stone bench to rest and feel the tranquility and peace.
Walking here and savoring every scene, you can seem to understand the “Thousand-year Dream” of Huangyao Ancient Town, which makes people linger and indulge.

Huangyao on the tip of the tongue

If it weren’t for the gentle reminder from your stomach, you might not have noticed that time has quietly slipped away.
The air is filled with the aroma of various kinds of rice, teasing the taste buds and making people salivate.
Anyone who sets foot in Huangyao Ancient Town will be conquered by the food there, and they all praise it with the word “delicious”. There are a variety of local fruits, which are affordable and taste great, which makes people have endless aftertaste.
In addition, Huangyao’s snacks are also rich and diverse, such as coconut sweet potato glutinous rice cakes, persimmon cakes, mallet crisps, green plum wine, tofu pudding, etc., each of which carries the unique flavor of the ancient town.
However, the most famous is Huangyao’s fermented black beans.
Someone once described its taste in poetic language: “The freshness of the mountains and rivers and the mellowness of the fermented black beans are interwoven into the tempting Huangyao fragrance.”
Walking on the streets of the ancient town, the wisps of fermented black beans seem to tell the long years of the ancient town.
One of the specialties of Huangyao is the fermented black bean banquet carefully cooked with high-quality fermented black beans.
Among them, the fermented black bean ribs are a delicacy with a long history and were listed as tribute to the court during the Qing Dynasty.
The original flavor of the ingredients and the salty fragrance of the fermented black beans are perfectly integrated to form the unique flavor of Huangyao.
For the Huangyao people who are away from home, this is the taste of their hometown that they miss the most in their hearts, which makes people linger.

The leisure time in the afternoon

After a full meal, the comfort of the ancient town is like a clear spring, slowly penetrating into every cell of the body, making people intoxicated.
Huangyao Ancient Town always “steals” people’s spirits so cleverly, making people linger.
In the afternoon, find a quiet shop, close your eyes, take a short rest, and let the pleasant scene of the ancient town slowly unfold before your eyes.
Or walk to the side of the Stone Tiao Bridge, under the ancient dragon claw banyan tree, watch the bustling crowd, listen to a melodious music, and let your thoughts drift away with the wind.
Unconsciously, the afterglow on the water surface has been sprinkled with golden light, which is so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.
However, the weather in the ancient town is like a child’s face, changing rapidly.
Just now it was sunny, and in a blink of an eye, it began to drizzle.
The rain gently wet every inch of Huangyao land, but it did not make people feel bored, but added a bit of indescribable ancient charm.
At this moment, you might as well slow down and let your heart blend with the rain scene of this ancient town.
Perhaps it is at such a moment that we can really calm down, appreciate the world around us, and feel the unique tranquility and beauty.

Huangyao is more bourgeois than the petty bourgeoisie

As night falls, the ancient town of Huangyao seems to have changed its appearance.
The high-hanging lanterns flicker in the night, like stars, lighting up the glory of this thousand-year-old town, while the ancient town is like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes of life, maintaining inner tranquility and peace.
Compared with other ancient towns, the night of Huangyao is more ancient and filled with a unique romantic atmosphere.
In the ancient town, ancient wineries coexist with modern bars, but there are more bars that exude a faint fragrance.
There is no noisy music here, only the tranquility and comfort that is more petty bourgeoisie than the petty bourgeoisie.
In the ancient town illuminated by the stars, Huangyao is full of extraordinary charm.
The microwaves are rippling, the insects are chirping, and people can’t help but be intoxicated, as if they are in a fairyland.
Huangyao Ancient Town still maintains the original style of the ancient town, without too many traces of commercialization.
The streets are simple and quiet, like a time tunnel, leading people to travel through time and space and feel the simple folk customs.
If you are eager to find excitement and novelty in Huangyao, then this may not be your ideal place.
But if you are eager to find a quiet corner to relax, then Huangyao Ancient Town is definitely your best choice.
Here, you don’t need to arrange a tight schedule. Just find a small shop with few guests on a breezy afternoon and enjoy a time alone with yourself, which is enough to make people satisfied.
If the intoxicating scenery is the “form” of Huangyao, then Lingnan culture is the “spirit” of Huangyao.
It is this perfect fusion of form and spirit that has created today’s low-key and beautiful Huangyao Ancient Town, making it beautiful for thousands of years and still shining.