This ancient city is perfect for northerners to spend the winter and retire. It is delicious, fun, slow-paced, and so comfortable that it is forgotten.

When it comes to Fujian, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is the romantic Xiamen.
However, the old city in Fujian that I want to introduce to you today is not only as artistic as Xiamen, but also more quiet and low-key than the new Internet celebrity Quanzhou.
Here, the sea view symbolizing freedom is picturesque, and you can choose any place you want. Every place is a moving picture.
Minnan culture, this legendary treasure, can be seen everywhere here, and every brick and tile tells a thousand-year story.
Zhangzhou, this city will make you deeply realize that ancient charm and literature and art are actually so harmonious. They set off each other and together constitute the unique and charming charm of this city.
Zhangzhou, waiting for you to discover and taste.

– 01 –

The old coastal city brought to the fore by earthen buildings

Surrounded by the mountains of Fujian, earthen buildings – these ancient buildings, whether round or square, are like the mark of history, deeply engraved in people’s memory. They are not only a symbol of the ancient residents of Fujian, but also a witness to the passage of time.
In 2008, 46 earth buildings in Fujian were listed as “World Cultural Heritage” by UNESCO, of which Zhangzhou alone accounted for 23, showing its profound historical heritage and cultural charm.
The construction of earth buildings follows the Eastern philosophical concept of “harmony between man and nature”.
They are built by the mountains and rivers or along the streams, making clever use of the natural environment, showing a unique way of living and architectural art.
Using local materials and combining the characteristics of the mountainous areas, each earth building has become an unrepeatable work of art.
The interior layout of the earth building is unique, full of the production and life atmosphere of the farming society.
The kitchen, living room, bedroom and other functional areas are all available, antique, warm in winter and cool in summer.
The elderly often sit at the door and talk leisurely in the local dialect, maintaining a simple and peaceful lifestyle.
As a representative of Hakka architecture, Nanjing Earth Building brings together earth buildings of various shapes and sizes.
In addition to the common round and square shapes, there are also oval, five-phoenix, half-moon and other shapes. Each earth building exudes a unique charm, showing people’s wisdom and creativity.
Among them, the Tianluokeng earth building group is a classic among classics. Four circular buildings surround a square Tianluokeng, forming a unique “four dishes and one soup” shape.
Architects praise it with beautiful words, calling it “looking down like a flower, looking at it from the side like the Potala”.
And Yuchang Building, this seemingly crooked earth building, is even more breathtaking.
From the outside, it seems to be no different from ordinary earth buildings, but once you step into it, you will find that its columns are tilted.
The third floor tilts to the right, and the fourth floor tilts to the left, as if telling the history of hundreds of years of wind and rain.
These tilted but not falling columns not only bring visual shock to Yuchang Building, but also witness it as the oldest earth building in Nanjing.
Taxia Village is another place worth visiting.
The earthen buildings here are scattered on both sides of the stream. The blue brick buildings, the stone arch bridge across the stream, and the cobblestone paths in front of and behind the buildings constitute a hidden and desirable life scene.
From north to south, Tasha Village is like an old man who has transformed from a calm young man to a young woman. The 11 small bridges across the stream make the village particularly elegant.
The Hekeng Tulou Group is located in front of Lion Mountain and consists of 15 earthen buildings of different shapes.
It is relatively hidden here, with little commercial atmosphere, and maintains the rustic style of the earthen buildings.
Standing on the Lion Mountain Observation Deck opposite the village, you can overlook the entire earthen building group and enjoy the beautiful scenery of this land at a glance.
It can be said that each earthen building is a family city.
They have witnessed the reproduction and inheritance of generations, carrying the memories and emotions of the family.
Here, people live a life like a paradise, without fighting with the world, enjoying the quiet years.

– 02 –

An ancient town with more charm than Jiangnan

Yunshuiyao, formerly known as Changjiao Village, is a bright pearl inlaid in the long river of history, carrying the heavy imprint of time.
At the end of 2005, the movie “Yunshuiyao” was filmed here, making this originally quiet town famous. Since then, it has been renamed “Yunshuiyao”. The poetic name tells of its tranquility and beauty.
The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the treetops and sprinkles on the cobblestone path. The air is filled with a faint chill, but also with a bit of freshness.
As time goes by, the ancient town gradually wakes up. Bamboo tea trays, tables, chairs and chessboards are lined up under the big trees, waiting for the arrival of tourists.
When you are tired, sit in front of the tea table and taste the hot tea brewed by the villagers with well water. The slightly warm teacup conveys warmth in your hands.
Looking around, the banyan trees are towering, the water is gurgling, and the village is quiet, as if you are in a paradise far away from the hustle and bustle. The vanity and noise in your heart quietly dissipate at this moment.
By the river, people gather together to play and sing by themselves. The melodious singing attracts passers-by to stop and listen. From time to time, some people join in and perform the music of life together.
Some people step onto the stone bridge and capture every beautiful moment with the camera, fearing that they will miss every frame of the scenery on this land.
When night falls, the ancient town changes into another style.
The bright lights and the night are interwoven into a beautiful picture, which makes people intoxicated.
At this moment, you will understand that this poetic name “Yunshui Yao” is really appropriate.
Daimei Ancient Village is a precious cultural heritage in Longhai City. As the largest and most intact ancient residential building complex, it is surrounded by water and is known as the “ancient village on the water”.
After more than 560 years of wind and rain, it still adheres to the love and inheritance of this land.
Here, more than 40 ancient houses from the Ming and Qing Dynasties are neatly arranged, with side doors facing each other, and only a distance of more than one meter wide.
When all the side doors are open, a convenient passage extending from the head of the village to the end of the village appears in front of you.
According to local people, if you don’t bring an umbrella on a rainy day, you won’t get wet if you run along this passage. This is undoubtedly a unique blessing given to people by the ancient village.

– 03 –

More than 1,300 years of colorful and dazzling

Zhangzhou Ancient City, a treasure carrying more than 1,300 years of history, is like a witness of time, silently guarding those ancient buildings and historical marks.
Walking in it, it seems that you can travel through time and feel the strong local customs of southern Fujian. It is like an old man who tells the story of the years in silence.
Every city has its own unique flavor, and the flavor of Zhangzhou Ancient City is the rare intimacy and leisure.
The streets and alleys of the ancient city are filled with a relaxed atmosphere. Even the shop owners do not seem to be in a hurry to attract business, but are immersed in this tranquility and freedom.
The Weizhen Pavilion, an ancient building located at the bridgehead of the Zhangzhou War Preparation Bridge, has experienced more than 400 years of wind and rain.
When night falls, the lights are bright, as if bringing people into a world that seems to be another world.
The Weizhen Pavilion in the night is particularly brilliant. It stands there, as if it is a node of intersection in the long river of history, witnessing countless stories and changes.
Lingtong Mountain, known as the “No. 1 Mountain in Southern Fujian”, and the Lingtong Temple on the mountain adds a bit of mystery and fairyland to this landscape.
The temple is hidden in a stone cave, with huge rocks as protection above and cliffs as barriers below. There is only a ladder trail for climbing.
Whenever the waterfall pours down from the cliff and splashes on the trail and the ancient temple, the fairy-like scene seems to make people feel like they are in a mythical world.
Here, every step is a piece of history, and every scene is a painting.
The ancient city of Zhangzhou attracts every visitor with its unique charm and charm, allowing them to feel the profound cultural heritage and local customs of southern Fujian.

– 04 –

A fresher sea breeze than Xiamen

Volcanic Island, a seemingly contradictory but harmonious existence.
It is said that water and fire are incompatible, but here, water and fire dance hand in hand, half of which is the blue of the sea and half of which is the heat of the flame.
In the long river of 46 million to 700,000 years, this place has experienced more than eight volcanic eruptions, and the black volcanic rocks on the coast are the best witness of their harmonious coexistence.
However, once you step on this island, you will find that the scenery here is completely different.
Linjin Island and Nanding Island in the sea seem to be winking at you, and the graceful bay sways under the gentle caress of the waves, like a scene in a fairy tale, making people intoxicated.
Walking along the coastline of the volcanic island, you will see black stone piles scattered among them. + If you look closely at the ground after the waves recede, you can clearly see the cross-section of the columnar joints, which is a wonderful texture given by nature.
Sitting on the beach, you will not only hear the gentle singing of the waves, but also feel the laughter of people. Such comfort makes people yearn for it.
The greatest charm of a place is not the gorgeous words left when leaving, but the reluctance in the heart after coming.
Dongshan Island is such a place that makes people linger.
It is like a scene in a youth novel, with sunshine all over the sea, breeze blowing on the face, listening to beloved music, watching the waves hitting the beach, as if time has stopped here.
Walking on the fishbone sandbar, you will have an illusion of walking on the ocean; when you first see Nanmen Bay, you will mistakenly think that you have traveled to the dreamy Cinque Terre.
Here, you can stay for a day or two, taste the local fresh seafood, experience the fun of fishermen fishing, and enjoy sunbathing on the fine beach, playing in the water and waves in the sea breeze, and enjoy the pleasant time of seaside vacation.
Of course, there is another experience you can’t miss when you come to Dongshan Island – that is to go to Sufengshan Ring Road to see the sea.
Rent a bicycle or walk along the trail, and the end of your sight is the blue sea.
Driving along the coast is a dreamlike experience that makes people intoxicated.
If you want to feel the romantic sea view and the mood of spring flowers facing the sea, Zhenhai Cape is definitely not to be missed.
It is located on the protruding seashore of Zhenhaiwei, which is the dividing line between the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea.
Standing on Zhenhai Cape, there is a 300-degree sea view in front of you, a blooming meadow under your feet, and a red and white lighthouse in the distance, as if you are in a movie, making people linger.
The only regret is that the transportation here is slightly inconvenient, but driving there is a different kind of enjoyment, and the scenery along the way is even more intoxicating.
In short, Dongshan Island is a place full of charm and surprises, and it is worth visiting and experiencing for everyone who loves traveling.
The most authentic ancient flavor of southern Fujian

– 05 –

As the saying goes, “Play in Suzhou and Hangzhou, eat in Zhangzhou and Quanzhou.” If you want to taste the most authentic ancient flavor of southern Fujian, Zhangzhou is undoubtedly an indispensable stop.

In the morning, the aroma of Zhangzhou braised noodles begins to permeate the streets. The noodles are chewy, the braised soup is rich, and with your favorite side dishes, every bite is a wonderful taste that will leave you with an endless aftertaste.
Hand-grabbed noodles, the name reveals its unique way of eating. Although it is now mostly eaten with chopsticks, the non-greasy, refreshing and appetizing taste is still unforgettable.
For fans of fried food, the five-spice roll is absolutely an irresistible temptation.
The crispy and fragrant taste makes people unforgettable.
The freshest seafood is ingeniously made into crispy and fragrant oyster omelette, which is the deepest longing of many Zhangzhou people who are far away from home.
In the midsummer, a bowl of refreshing four-fruit soup can dispel the heat. The sweet taste, like the low-key and restrained city of Zhangzhou, always brings unexpected surprises.
Zhangzhou, this low-key and beautiful city, may not be well known to the world, but it is a travel treasure without shortcomings.
Its beauty does not lie in how gorgeous and ostentatious it is, but in the simplicity and naturalness that has settled down after fighting against time.
Zhangzhou never deliberately imitates others, nor does it pursue the shining light.
Because it knows that in this complex society, being able to maintain a plain and real life and live a long life is the most rare happiness.