There is a city in Jiangsu that is rated as the world’s capital of gourmet food. Its morning tea is comparable to Guangzhou.

In recent years, the selection of livable cities has triggered widespread discussion and controversy. However, when it comes to livability, one important element cannot be avoided – fireworks.

It is this fireworks that gives the city a unique soul and makes boring life full of life.

When it comes to fireworks, nature and food are closely connected. China, a globally recognized country of gourmet food, has a world of infinite food possibilities.

Among many cities, Yangzhou stands out with its unique charm and has become one of the 10 world capitals of gastronomy selected by the United Nations.

In the fast-paced modern society, many people may be perfunctory about breakfast, but Yangzhou people will never settle for it.

In Yangzhou in the early morning, the charm of the ancient city is intertwined with the smoke of modern fireworks. The most attractive thing is the fragrant morning tea.

Yangzhou’s morning tea culture is not only the enjoyment of delicious food, but also an attitude towards life.

Tea, dishes, dried silk, noodles, steamed buns (Huaiyang fine ones), etc., each of them contains profound cultural heritage and unique craftsmanship.

Make an appointment with a few friends and go to a teahouse together. A cup of tea, a drawer of steamed buns, and a few baskets of refreshments are enough to make people forget the hustle and bustle of the world and immerse themselves in this leisure and tranquility.

Of course, Yangzhou’s food is not limited to morning tea.

As one of the traditional Chinese cuisines, Huaiyang cuisine is famous for its fresh ingredients, exquisite knife skills, exquisite heat, light and elegant.

Wensi tofu that melts in your mouth,

Fragrant but not greasy crab meat lion head,

Crispy and sour squirrel mandarin fish,

Original and mellow old goose,

Carb gospel dumpling noodles,

Long fish noodles with a secret recipe for nourishing food,

Sweet and fragrant Jade Shaomai,

Delicious sweet-scented osmanthus and lotus root rice balls…

Every dish is a reflection of Yangzhou people’s love and dedication to food.

The exquisiteness of Yangzhou cuisine does not lie in the rare ingredients or complex craftsmanship, but in the seriousness and respect Yangzhou people take for food.

This kind of “no food” attitude towards food is actually a love and cherishment of life.

In Yangzhou, everything from food to culture reveals a unique charm and pace. People here taste delicious food and enjoy culture in a slow life, writing the poetry of the city and half-lived fireworks.

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Yangzhou slow

Jiangnan fragments in Langyuan Qionglou

“Dreams surround Jiangnan, and poems paint Yangzhou.” The moment you step into Slender West Lake, this poem seems to have a life picture.

During Emperor Qianlong’s southern tour, he ordered the dredging of the slender, silk-like Bao Lake, the construction of a solemn lotus bridge, and even the construction of a white pagoda overnight. As a result, today we can appreciate this world-famous lake garden – Slender West Lake .

Every architectural landscape is engraved with legendary stories closely connected with Emperor Qianlong.

Slender West Lake, this famous lake garden, has extremely beautiful natural scenery. Green willows are like silk, camellias, pomegranates, and rhododendrons are in bloom, flowers and trees are intertwined, and famous gardens and scenic spots are dotted along the rippling blue lake.

For thousands of years, countless literati and poets have stopped here, chanting and painting, leaving countless masterpieces that have been handed down for generations.

A soft curve outlined by green trees, clear water and green tiles leads people’s sight to the sky.

The thin leaves danced in the wind, caressing the green lake surface, the flowers seemed to be nodding playfully to the passers-by, and the green mountains in the distance were willing to become the background of this beautiful scenery.

You can choose to stroll along the river and enjoy the gifts of nature; or step into the pavilions and pavilions to appreciate the poems, paintings and calligraphy left by the literati of the past dynasties; or go boating on the lake to experience the leisurely leisurely way Emperor Qianlong visited the lake.

The name “Ge Garden” comes from bamboo. The owner of the garden has a special liking for bamboo, and various kinds of bamboo are planted in the back garden.

The three bamboo leaves are shaped like the character “Ge”, and half of the character “Bamboo” also happens to be “Ge”, so this garden was named “Ge Garden”.

Entering the garden from the north gate, you will be greeted by green bamboos. The entire garden seems to be built in a bamboo forest, and the air is filled with the fresh bamboo fragrance and elegant atmosphere.

In this courtyard with swaying bamboo shadows, sip a cup of fragrant tea, lean against a clear spring, and enjoy the gentle breeze. Although there is no sound of orchestral music, there seems to be music lingering around.

In addition to the beauty of bamboo, another major feature of Geyuan is the rockery and rock art themed around the four seasons.

The garden is centered on Yiyuxuan. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the changing seasons while walking along the winding paths.

The trails in the rockery lead to secluded places, and the scenery under the frame of the cave is even more amazing.

This kind of garden design with the theme of the four seasons is novel in purpose, rigorous in structure, and highly engaging. It can be called an isolated example of Chinese gardens.

He Garden, formerly known as Jixiao Villa, is a treasure among private gardens in Yangzhou.

As a representative work of garden architecture in the late Qing Dynasty, it is known as “the first garden in the late Qing Dynasty”. Nearly a hundred film and television dramas such as “A Dream of Red Mansions” and “Huanzhugege” have been filmed here.

He Garden enjoys the reputation of four “No. 1 in the world”: “No. 1 corridor in the world”, “No. 1 mountain in the world”, “No. 1 window in the world” and “No. 1 pavilion in the world”.

These reputations demonstrate the uniqueness and irreplaceable status of this garden.

The most famous one is the Fudao Cloister.

The “corridor” refers to the covered corridor on both upper and lower floors, which cleverly connects the east and west gardens and residential courtyards.

“Re-road” means that there are corridors on both sides of the wall. Visitors can go to different places through different corridors, which plays a diversion role.

The corridor of He Garden is more than 1,500 meters long, and walking in it feels like being in a three-dimensional maze.

If you stroll here on a misty and rainy day, you can even feel the unique charm of the misty and rainy Jiangnan.

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Yangzhou slow

In the long history

Dongguan Street is one of the streets with the most historical heritage in Yangzhou City, carrying the splendor of Yangzhou for thousands of years.

“The spring breeze is ten miles along the Yangzhou Road, and it is better to roll up the bead curtains.” This poem describes exactly this 1,122-meter-long ancient street. It is like a historical link connecting the past and present of Yangzhou.

In the streets and alleys, there are rows of old houses of famous people, full of ancient charm, and every place exudes a strong historical and cultural atmosphere.

These buildings that have gone through vicissitudes of life seem to be witnesses of time, silently telling the past of Yangzhou for thousands of years, and showing the charm of the ancient city’s blend of old and new.

On the other side of Yangzhou, there is another street that is very popular among young artists and photography enthusiasts – Pishi Street.

The once bumpy old street is now reborn and has become one of the busiest streets in Yangzhou.

Although this ancient and vibrant street is not long, there are many exquisite shops on both sides.

Whether it’s a shop where you can taste authentic delicacies, or a coffee shop or bookstore where you can take a break, you’ll never want to leave.

Strolling here in the afternoon, you feel like you are in a moving picture scroll, leisurely and contented.

It is worth mentioning that Pishi Street also connects He Garden and Ge Garden, two major scenic spots. When planning your itinerary, you might as well include this place to experience the unique customs of Yangzhou.

The route of the canal in Yangzhou is mostly consistent with the ancient Hangou more than 2,000 years ago, and it perfectly matches the canal dug by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty.

Among them, the Yangzhou Ancient Canal, which is about 30 kilometers long from Guazhou to Wantou, is the oldest section of the Grand Canal.

This ancient canal not only witnesses the glorious history of Yangzhou, but is also the “mother river” of Yangzhou.

It connects countless historical sites and cultural landscapes and becomes an indispensable part of Yangzhou.

A history of the development of the Yangzhou Canal is a history of the development of ancient Yangzhou.

It has nurtured the land of Yangzhou and is the “root” and “soul” of Yangzhou culture.

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Yangzhou slow

In the endless incense

In the northern suburbs of the ancient city of Yangzhou, Shugang is like a winding crouching dragon, lying quietly on the earth.

The famous Daming Temple, a thousand-year-old ancient temple, stands on the top of the middle peak of Shugang, majestic and solemn.

Daming Temple is a temple that combines traditional Chinese and Japanese architectural styles. The mountain gate, bell tower, drum tower, main hall, Yangxin hall and other buildings are well-proportioned and rigorously laid out. Each part reveals the unique elegance and charm of Jiangnan.

Climbing up hundreds of stone steps to the square in front of Daming Temple, a solemn and elegant archway comes into view. This is the main entrance of Daming Temple.

Stepping into it, you can have a panoramic view of Yangzhou’s garden scenery, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Then climb up to the Qiling Pagoda and lean on the railing to have a panoramic view of the Slender West Lake. The beautiful scenery described by Bai Juyi seems to be right in front of you.

Guanyin Mountain, known as the “First Spiritual Mountain”, is the representative of mountain temples. The Buddhist statues here are unique, with “Bodhisattva” as the main body, and four famous Buddhist mountain Bodhisattvas are worshiped at the same time. Their aesthetic value is extremely high.

In addition to feeling the melodious Sanskrit music, the scenery of Guanyin Mountain is also particularly quiet. Going out from the mountain gate and going around the east side, you will find the Tangcheng Removal Site. A tea garden comes into view as far as the eye can see.

This is also the natural commanding height of Yangzhou. Climbing high and looking into the distance, you can have an unobstructed view of the beautiful scenery of the north and south of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, which is refreshing.

The architecture in Yangzhou gives people a friendly and warm feeling, without feeling oppressive or cold.

They are like windows with stories, with flowers blooming and falling in turn, framing the flow of the four seasons. In a trance, time passes quietly year after year.

In the fast-paced modern society, Yangzhou people still maintain a leisurely lifestyle.

As a city with a profound tea culture, going to teahouses to chat with friends and drink tea is a life enjoyment for them.

In addition, “water foreskin” is also a unique life enjoyment of Yangzhou people.

Compared with young people’s entertainment methods such as karaoke and disco, they prefer to make appointments for pedicures and baths to enjoy the feeling of being reborn.

Some people may say that Yangzhou today is no longer as glorious as it once was.

But I want to say that every city has its own unique charm and charm. Modern cities need to develop, but China’s unique Jiangnan charm is also worth inheriting and cherishing.

Living in Yangzhou is really comfortable. It uses its unique way to make people feel the beauty and tranquility of life.