The only underwater ancient city in China! Sleeping at the bottom of the lake, no one can go there, with a history of over a thousand years

“No travel, no summer.”

The heat of midsummer burns like a flame, but where can you find the coolness and unique charm of summer?

If you ask me, I will recommend Qiandao Lake without hesitation.

Water is the soul of Qiandao Lake.

It is clear and calm, like a huge gem inlaid on this land.

Many water sources in Hangzhou come from here. In order to protect this blue wave, industrial pollution is never allowed on the shore of Qiandao Lake.

Because of this, the lake water can always maintain its purity and vitality.

The island is the backbone of Qiandao Lake.

On the 982 square kilometers of the lake, 1,078 islands of different sizes are scattered like pearls, forming a series of intoxicating landscape paintings.

They are either independent scenes or set off against each other, weaving together the unique charm of Qiandao Lake.

Qiandao Lake was selected by CNN as one of the 40 most beautiful scenic spots in China.

It has deep canyons, clear streams, and fresh air. Each place seems to be a gift from nature, making people intoxicated.

Here, you can feel the magic and beauty of nature, as if you are in a natural forest oxygen bar, allowing your body and mind to be completely relaxed and purified.

Qiandao Lake, this summer, you deserve a visit.


The thousand-year-old ancient city sleeping at the bottom of the lake Qiandao Lake, the magnificent landscape of this miracle on earth, is not only created by manpower, but its history is also profound and long, dating back thousands of years.

Under this tranquil lake, there are two thousand-year-old ancient cities hidden – “Lion City” and “Hecheng”.

They were once witnesses of the prosperity during the Han and Tang Dynasties. As the hub of the Huizhou business route on the Xin’an River, merchants gathered and it was very lively.

Although the ancient city has gradually become lonely over the years, traces of history are still scattered all over this land.

However, it is incredible that these two ancient cities completely “disappeared” in an unexpected way in 1959.

In order to meet the electricity demand of surrounding cities, the Xin’anjiang Reservoir was diverted to store water, and the residents of the ancient city were forced to evacuate, taking only simple daily necessities and hurriedly leaving their homes where they had lived all their lives.

Half a year later, 27 towns, 1,377 villages, 300,000 mu of fertile land and thousands of houses were submerged under Qiandao Lake overnight.

It was not until recent years that the two sealed ancient cities gradually unveiled their mysterious veil with the broadcast of the Qiandao Lake Underwater Ancient City Exploration Program.

Due to the particularity of the underwater environment, they are like “time capsules” forgotten by time and are well preserved.

Divers have found that the wooden beams, stairs, and brick walls in the city are still standing, and even the walls of some houses and the iron rings on the doors are intact, and the rooms still retain the exquisiteness of carved beams and painted buildings.

These two underwater ancient cities are undoubtedly the most complete and largest underwater buildings to date, so some people have always dreamed of developing them.

However, between exploration and development, how to balance the interests of history and reality has always been a difficult problem.

Fortunately, in 2012, the ancient city diving tourism project was banned, and the two ancient cities were able to “sleep” in peace.

Today, the two underwater ancient cities have become a parallel history, but this thousand-year history is still circulating in Qiandao Lake, becoming an eternal memory of this land.

24 hours in Qiandao Lake


A trip to Qiandao Lake does not require tedious itinerary planning, just follow your heart.

In the morning, wake up naturally in the embrace of the homestay, breathe the fresh and pleasant air, as if the whole world is excited.

Then embark on a stroll between islands. No matter how big or small the island is, every step contains unique surprises and gains.

If you are lucky enough to set foot in this beautiful lake and mountain scenery, you might as well forget the constraints of time for a while and let your mind wander in this tranquility and comfort.

Let the beauty and tranquility of Qiandao Lake become the most unforgettable memory of your journey.

| Morning · Hazy Mist

Qiandao Lake in the morning is like a hazy painting, gently shrouded by a veil-like mist, exuding a mysterious charm like a dream.

When you gently open the curtains, accompanied by the morning symphony of insects and birds, a picturesque landscape appears in front of you, instantly dispelling the remaining sleepiness without a trace.

The sky has not yet turned white, and the morning mist is like a flowing jade belt, gently hanging within reach, adding a bit of mystery and romance to this beautiful scenery.

And the mountains in the distance, against the backdrop of the morning mist, are like brides waiting to be married, shyly hiding behind the veil, showing a different style.

However, just as you are intoxicated by this confusing beauty, you don’t know when the sky has quietly opened a hole, and the sun pours down like a golden waterfall, gradually dispersing the morning mist and spreading the warm morning light all over the earth without reservation.

With the sun shining, the mountains that were originally covered by the morning mist gradually show their true appearance.

The sun casts a gorgeous glow on them, making the originally hazy outline clear.

Under the sun, the lake presents a deep blue color, which is both deep and bright, like a dazzling sapphire inlaid on the earth.

And the islands in the lake are like emerald green gems, dotted on the lake, looking both naughty and cute.

At this moment, it seems to open a door to heaven, making people linger.

| Morning · Dozens of ways to play

There is a popular proverb in Qiandao Lake:

“If you don’t go to Meifeng to see the islands, you won’t know the true face of the Thousand Islands.”

As the “first of the Thousand Islands”, Meifeng Island’s reputation is not groundless.

When the weather is clear, standing on the top of Meifeng, you will be able to enjoy the magnificent scenery of more than 300 islands at a glance, as if you are in a grand natural painting.

For tourists who like to challenge themselves, hiking to the top is certainly a good choice;

However, if you want to save your energy and better enjoy the next journey, taking a cable car is also a wise choice.

There are East Observation Deck and West Observation Deck on the top of Meifeng, and the West Observation Deck is the essence of the island.

Looking down from a high place, the islands are dotted with stars, and the green mountains and green waters complement each other, making people feel like they are in a beautiful fairyland.

If you have a drone, it will be a different experience to look down at Qiandao Lake from the air.

From the aerial perspective, Qiandao Lake is no longer a graceful and elegant work like an ink painting, but a geometric pattern composed of vivid island outlines. The islands and lakes blend with each other to form a series of abstract paintings, which is breathtaking.

As its name suggests, Osmanthus Island is full of wild osmanthus, so it is more suitable to visit in autumn.

At this time, you can smell the rich fragrance of osmanthus from a distance, which is refreshing.

Of course, Osmanthus Island is also worth a visit in other seasons.

The monkeys on the island are extremely cute. Sometimes they act cute to tourists in exchange for food, and sometimes they play and fight in the woods, which adds a lot of fun to tourists.

But please note that in order to protect these cute creatures, please do not feed them at will, and you can only get close to them in designated areas.

If you love the freshness and tranquility of nature, then the forest oxygen bar will be a place you can’t miss.

Here is the best forest vegetation, the most beautiful natural scenery and the best ecological environment in Qiandao Lake.

Here, you can breathe the fresh air and feel the gift of nature.

The lake water is clear and transparent, and the mountains seem to isolate the outside world.

Walking into this green wonderland, you will be surrounded by the sweet air and the fragrance of wild flowers, as if you are in a natural oxygen bar, which is refreshing.

In addition to island tours, boat tours and cycling are also not to be missed in Qiandao Lake.

Sitting on the boat, you can leisurely enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river, and every frame is as intoxicating as a movie.

Or rent a bicycle and ride on the path by the lake, feeling the beautiful scenery of the pure green mountains and the deep blue water, which makes people intoxicated.

| Noon · The most delicious taste

Qiandao Lake giant net fishing is a unique Chinese specialty.

When dozens of people work together to pull the giant net, the fish in the net jump out of the water like silver waves, forming a spectacular picture.

However, such a fishing spectacle is not often seen, and it is not one of the conventional ways to visit.

If you fail to witness this magnificent scene, don’t regret it.

Because although fishing is not common, the fish in Qiandao Lake are always around.

For travelers who love food, the islands can be skipped and the lake can be appreciated, but the delicious fish meat must not be missed.

The traditional fish head cooking in Qiandao Lake is most famous for its white soup and red soup flavors.

If it is your first time to taste it, I recommend you to try the delicious white soup fish head.

High-quality ingredients often only need simple cooking, without too much seasoning, to taste the purest freshness of fish meat.

One bite will make people have endless aftertaste and can’t stop.

| Afternoon · Wandering in the quiet ancient town

After having a good meal, you may as well stroll to Qinchuan Ancient Village to let your mind digest the food here.

It is quietly hidden by the Qiandao Lake and has quietly spent nearly 700 years. It still retains the tranquility and tranquility of the old countryside.

The stream flows gently, and the chickens and dogs can be heard, as if time has slowed down here.

This place seems to be isolated from the hustle and bustle of business, away from the noise and shouting.

The dense trees and ancient houses are intertwined, creating a cold and profound atmosphere.

There are few tourists. Occasionally, you can see a few grandmas sitting in front of their own door, holding bowls and chopsticks, eating and chatting, with a strong and simple atmosphere of life.

Compared with the exquisiteness of other well-known ancient towns, Qinchuan Ancient Village shows more of a primitive beauty.

The traces of time are clearly visible here. The dilapidated doors and windows, and the moss growing in the cracks of stone bricks all tell the vicissitudes and changes of the ancient town.

This place may not be so lively, but it is this kind of coldness and tranquility that attracts countless travelers who pursue tranquility and simplicity.

| Evening · Waiting for a sunset

When the night falls, please put down your busy work for a while,

Find a place with an endless view, or sit quietly in an open-air restaurant, and wait for a romantic sunset.

As time goes by, the clouds in the distant sky gradually become colorful,

The fiery sunset burns like a raging fire, rendering the mountains into a gorgeous scene.

At this moment, the sky and the earth seem to be integrated, and the water and the sky are connected and complement each other.

Under the sun umbrella, the breeze blows gently, the lake is sparkling, the sunset afterglow is sprinkled on the lake, and the sunset is poetic and picturesque.

With a table of sumptuous delicacies, you can savor this rare tranquility and beauty.

At this time, Qiandao Lake is so beautiful that you will never forget it with just one glance.

| Night · See the brightest starry sky

On a quiet summer night, choose a quiet place, look up at the boundless starry sky, and let the gentle evening breeze brush your cheeks. This is undoubtedly an intoxicating choice.

The night falls slowly like a poem, and the messenger of the night quietly covers the earth with a deep black veil.

The stars are like diamonds inlaid in the night sky. They are not as warm and brilliant as the sun, nor as cold and noble as the moonlight. Each star is unique, but they complement each other and weave a beautiful picture together.

Hurry up and capture this charming starry sky, let its brilliance heal your fatigue for the day.

The sun is scorching and the sun is scorching, but the summer of Qiandao Lake has a different charm. It not only makes people intoxicated with the sweetness of watermelon and the coolness of soda, but also makes people intoxicated with the beach under the sun and the sparkling water of the lake.

How can you miss the beauty of Qiandao Lake this summer?

Open the window, and the lake and mountains will come into view, which is endless and refreshing. In the farmhouse restaurant, the aroma of roasted fish wafts from the traditional stove, which makes people salivate. The villagers passing by will talk to you kindly, making you feel the warmth and comfort of home.

This place seems to be your long-lost hometown, a warm home where you can forget your troubles and enjoy the tranquility.

This place seems like your long-lost hometown, a warm home where you can forget your worries and enjoy the tranquility.