The only country in the world without Chinese people: total population 35 people! No matter who you are, you are only allowed to stay for 3 hours

Not long ago, there was a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet. A netizen posted a post about “Chinese people everywhere”, which instantly resonated with countless people.

However, in this vast world, there is a strange country, which seems to have nothing to do with Chinese people.

That is the Republic of Molossia, a pocket country hidden in the desert of Nevada, USA.

Its area is surprisingly small, only 0.025 square kilometers, and it is tightly surrounded by the land of the United States.

The population here is sparse. At first, there were only six people, but now it has increased to 35 people, plus three cute dogs, which adds a bit of vitality to this small country.

Despite its small area and sparse population, Molossia claims to have a complete constitution, navy, bank, currency, post office, telecommunications bureau and a series of infrastructure that a country should have.

They even have a presidential palace, although it is just a wooden house in the desert.

Walking into the Presidential Palace, you will see portraits of past presidents and historical relics, and murals depicting historical events in Molossia are hung on the walls.

If you are lucky, you may even meet the president himself, who will enthusiastically tell you the legendary stories of this country.

However, such a special country has not established diplomatic relations with any other country, nor has it received any official recognition.

But the Molossians do not care about this. They firmly believe that “the existence of a country is never a prerequisite for the recognition of other countries.”

Only 3 hours of sightseeing is allowed

It is widely rumored that Molossia is like an exquisite glass box, which only allows people to take a quick glance and a short three-hour viewing time.

However, this is not the case. This place is not artificially limited, but because of its small area and simple living facilities, most tourists come and go in a hurry for the purpose of checking in.

Molossia is more like a quiet harbor, without noise, without disturbance, only the atmosphere of a peaceful life.

It is indeed an indisputable fact that there are no Chinese people here.

It is not because of exclusion, but because Molossia adheres to its unique principle – not accepting immigrants from any country.

This is Kevin’s family’s world. If they accept others, it would be like letting strangers into their own home.

In order to protect the peace of this pure land, Bauve resolutely established an army.

Although the total population is only 35 people, the navy, army and air force are all available, although it is a bit sad – due to the limitations of the geographical environment, the construction of the army and air force is full of challenges, and planes have never flown in this sky.

So, Bauve turned his focus to the navy, and devoted the whole country’s strength to build a legendary navy – five kayaks are all the assets of this navy.

Although it sounds a bit absurd, every position is well-organized, and positions such as admiral of the navy and admiral of the army are all available.

The establishment of the army made Bauve more determined to develop military weapons.

However, before starting this matter, he felt that he first needed a panoramic view of his country. Without professional aerial photography equipment,

They came up with a clever way – light up a hot air balloon and hang a camera on it, hoping to capture the beauty of the entire Molossia.

Unfortunately, the hot air balloon eventually got hung on a tree branch, and this beautiful wish was not realized.

Despite many obstacles in the process of managing the country, Bauve never gave up.

He knew that a complete country needed its own currency, so he decided to issue Molossia’s exclusive currency – Valora.

Today, the exchange rate between Valora and the US dollar is stable at 0.8:1.

Although Molossia is sparsely populated and develops slowly, the happiness index here is extremely high.

Everyone has his own job and lives a worry-free life.

However, they also need to face a serious reality – population growth.

This is also a headache for Bauve, because in addition to his daily work, as president, he also needs to take on the responsibility of increasing the country’s population.

At the beginning, the establishment of Molossia was not favored by the outside world, and many people believed that it would disappear soon.

However, as time goes by, Molossia not only did not disappear, but attracted the attention of the world with various “weird” conditions.

Nowadays, it has become a famous tourist attraction, attracting countless people to check in, and even exchange for Wallola as a souvenir.

If you are lucky enough to come here, don’t forget to take a bottle of Molossia red wine.

Although the grape yield here is not high, as the saying goes, “scarcity makes things valuable”, every bottle of red wine here is made by the winemaker with great effort, with extremely high quality and enjoys a high reputation in the wine industry.

So, how can you reach this mysterious country?

Since Molossia is surrounded by the United States, you first need to go to the United States, and then use land transportation such as trains and cars to cross mountains and ridges before you can finally step into this fascinating land.

In addition, you also need to abide by their reservation system, submit an appointment application through the official website, and after strict review, you can be qualified to enter Molossia.

It is precisely because of such strict restrictions that Molossia seems more mysterious, and many travel enthusiasts have included it in their travel lists.

Although it is barren and desolate here, with no recreational facilities, the people here live a happy and contented life.

This simple and plain life may be another kind of stable life we ​​pursue.

When people come to Molossia, they seem to become pure and infected by the tranquility and harmony here.

This may be the greatest charm of Molossia.