The most “lazy” city in China, where everyone sleeps until noon, does not work overtime and does not get involved in involution. Visitors will be amazed once they visit!

Some people have made it clear that without setting foot in Tibet, it is not enough to talk about the way to travel.
However, such remarks were overturned by Xinjiang, the only land in China that can compete with it.
In the vast land of Xinjiang, the beauty of southern Xinjiang and northern Xinjiang is like two parallel rivers, each flowing with its own unique charm.
Mr. Ji Xianlin once said affectionately: “There is only one place in this world where the four brilliant treasures of human civilization, the depth of Chinese civilization, the mystery of Indian civilization, the solemnity of Roman civilization, and the antiquity of Egyptian civilization, can be gathered together in one corner. And this place is the southern part of Xinjiang.”
And when you set foot on the land of southern Xinjiang, a special and mysterious city will naturally appear before your eyes – that is Kashgar.
Kashgar, a city full of exotic customs and profound historical heritage, is waiting for your exploration and discovery.

China’s westernmost city

Kashgar, this ancient city once known as Shule, is a shining pearl on the ancient Silk Road.
In the past years, this place was a prosperous place where merchants gathered, with trading ships and camel caravans coming in an endless stream. Its streets and alleys were filled with the smell of rare treasures and strong spices from all over.
As a necessary place and transit point on the Silk Road, Kashgar witnessed countless business trips and also hosted the blending and collision of Eastern and Western civilizations.
Kashgar, a city filled with the unique cultural charm of the Western Regions, has been shrouded in mystery since ancient times.
Whether it is the ancient buildings, unique costumes, melodious music and rich handicrafts, it makes people feel like they are in an exotic dream.
Geographically, Kashgar borders Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, making it an exotic city.
Here, you can feel the cultural atmosphere from different countries and experience different customs and customs.
This is why many people who have been to Kashgar will say that there are always a few moments when they feel as if they are in a foreign country and surrounded by that unique cultural atmosphere.

The laziest city in China

The “lazy” here definitely does not refer to the laziness of Kashgar people.
It actually stems from a unique biological clock, which is forced to maintain a subtle time difference with other parts of China.
Our country has a vast territory, spanning five time zones, and Kashgar, located at the westernmost point, although it uses Beijing time synchronously with other parts of China, it secretly hides a time difference of about two hours.
Therefore, the daily routine of Kashgar people is completely different from that in the east. They usually get up leisurely at ten o’clock and enjoy the tranquility of breakfast.
At twelve o’clock, there are still shops in the streets and alleys that are not open, which has become a common sight.
When night falls and the lights in the east are dimmed, the sky in Kashgar is still full of sunshine.
Until twelve o’clock in the morning, Kashgar’s nightlife is like waking up from a dream, with bright lights, bustling and noisy, and the real night in Kashgar has just begun.

half humanistic

· Kashgar Old Town

If we say the essence of Xinjiang, it must be Kashgar; and the soul of Kashgar is hidden deep in the old city.
This place is a treasure of earth-based architecture in the world. The earth and wood are intertwined with bricks and wood, and the houses are simple and simple. After hundreds of years of wind and frost, they still stand firm.
This is the only labyrinth-like neighborhood in China with Islamic culture as its rhyme, and it has unique charm.
Stepping into the alleys of the ancient city, magenta and khaki are intertwined, the carved walls are exquisite, the colors are dazzling, and the exotic style hits your face.
In front of every house, green plants are dotted, the fragrance is overflowing, refreshing, and the whole world seems to be infected by this tranquility and beauty.
The alleys are winding and quiet, but people feel at ease because the residents are hospitable and greet with smiles. Although their Chinese is broken, they still convey warmth with “hello” and “goodbye”.
In this old city of several square kilometers, more than 100,000 residents inherit ancient methods, skills are passed down from generation to generation, history and culture are integrated into daily life, and their life is picturesque.
This place is peaceful, slow and quiet, isolating the impetuousness and hustle and bustle.

· Gaotai residences

The Gaotai residence stands on the high loess cliff in the southeast of the old city, with a height of more than 40 meters and a length of more than 800 meters.
There are more than 600 households living in it, and it is known as the “Living Uyghur Folk Museum”.
Only at this point can you truly feel the pulse of ancient Kashgar.
Houses are built on the cliff, one after another, one after another, and one after another. After generations, they have reached today’s scale.
Stepping into the residential house, the interior is connected in all directions and has its own unique wonders.
Walking through it is like entering a maze, sometimes losing your way, sometimes turning around and suddenly enlightening you.
This place is like a microcosm of Kashgar, with pure colors, intoxicating spices, and exotic melodies that enchant people’s hearts and disrupt the boundaries of time and space.

· Id Kah Mosque

The Id Kah Mosque is the leader of mosques in China.
The overall building is filled with strong ethnic customs and religious colors. Although it is located in the city center, it remains quiet and quiet.
The poplar trees in the temple are lush and shady, adding to the quiet charm.
When visiting here, in addition to admiring the beauty of the architecture, you can also witness the grand worship scene.
Friday is the Lord’s Day, with a large number of people worshiping and a spectacular scene.
On weekday evenings, residents also like to gather here, singing and dancing, children playing, and the atmosphere is peaceful.

· Tomb of Xiang Fei

The Xiangfei Tomb is a mysterious treasure of Uighur tomb architecture.
Legend has it that Emperor Qianlong’s beloved concubine, Xiang Fei, was a daughter of the Uighurs in Kashgar. After her death, she was buried in her hometown with the emperor’s permission.
The tomb is like a magnificent palace. The surrounding walls are covered with dark green glazed bricks. The brick carving patterns are based on plants, such as the tree of life, lotus, and pomegranate patterns.
After more than three hundred years, the glazed bricks are still as clean and shiny as new, as if the light of history is still shining.

Half of the mountains, lakes and seas

· K2

K2 stands at the top of the Karakoram Mountains. Its altitude is second only to Mount Everest and is the second highest peak in the world.
In Tajik language, it is known as “the tall and majestic mountain”, which aptly describes its majesty and magnificence.
K2 is so majestic that it even surpasses Mount Everest to some extent.
On the steep slopes, avalanche chute traces are mottled, witnessing the vicissitudes of time and the power of nature.
As one of the most difficult mountains recognized by the international mountaineering community, we may only be able to view its majestic appearance from a distance and feel the shock and awe.

· Muztagh Peak

Muztagh Peak is covered with snow all year round and is covered in silver. It looks like an old father with white beard and hair, solemn and majestic. Because of the early formation of glaciers, it has been given the reputation of “Father of Icebergs”.
Here, the mysterious atmosphere permeates the air, attracting mountaineering enthusiasts from all over the world to come and explore.
Without the need for cumbersome equipment, you can get up close to the glaciers that have not melted for thousands of years and feel the purity and coldness from nature.
And when you look at Muztagh Peak from a distance, the magnificent scenery is even more breathtaking.
It contrasts with the Karakul Lake at its feet. The sky is like a wash and the lake is like a mirror, forming a harmonious and beautiful picture.
This feeling and scene can’t help but make people sigh: This scene can only be seen in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the human world.

· Lake Karakul

Lake Karakul is named “Karakul” because of its deep and gloomy water. It means black lake in Kirgiz language.
This lake is like nature’s palette, showing different colors as the sunlight changes.
On a sunny day, the lake is as clear as a mirror and as clean as a flaw; but when there are dark clouds, the lake becomes as black as ink, deep and mysterious.
Mountains, water, sky, earth and clouds are connected here to form beautiful pictures.
Nature, the great poet, uses her brushstrokes to depict the most beautiful scenery on this land.
This poetic and picturesque atmosphere is intoxicating, as if it can only be found on the majestic Pamir Plateau.

· Baisha Lake & Baisha Mountain

On the way from Kashgar to Taxkorgan, a Tiffany blue lake came into view, which is the beautiful White Sand Lake.
And at the end of the sight, there are mountains like white silk – Baisha Mountain.
This is the most dreamy place in Kashgar and the yearning in every traveler’s heart.
The snow-capped mountains, white sand mountains and white sand lakes complement each other, forming a scene like an oil painting.
The snow light shines on Baisha Lake, and the lake water reflects the white sand mountains. The clear lake water reflects the white sand mountains and the reflection of the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The upper and lower colors are both illusion and reality.
In this land, the miraculous craftsmanship of nature is vividly displayed, making people forget to leave.

No shortage of springtime

· Alarkin Grass Beach

Alar Golden Grass Beach is like a bright gem inlaid on the edge of Taxkorgan County. It is named after its proximity to the Alar countryside.
Here, the Tashkurgan River meanders like a silver belt, nourishing this fertile land.
The lush water and grass, the flocks of cattle and sheep, and the snow-capped mountains, white clouds, and blue sky in the distance complement each other, forming a beautiful picture.
As the sun sets in the west, the golden light shines, and the green grassy beach is dyed with a touch of gold.
The shepherd’s white yurt and the strolling sheep in the distance are all bathed in this golden afterglow, as if covered with a layer of golden gauze.
In this boundless wilderness, the pride and wildness deep in people’s hearts are released. Travelers from afar may as well boldly feel the magnificence and vastness of this land gifted by nature.

· Taheman Wetland

Taheman Wetland is the treasure of Ta County and well-deserved for its reputation as a golden pasture.
Mountain springs gather here, forming patches of golden rice fields and gurgling streams.
The continuous snow-capped mountains and the vast and magnificent desert Gobi set off each other, and together they compose a harmonious and natural masterpiece.
Climb to the Taheman Wetland Observation Deck and have a panoramic view of the entire wetland.
The surrounding snow peaks are towering and clouds are shrouded in mist; wetland streams are crisscrossed with sparkling waves; the grassland is glittering with golden light, and cattle and sheep roam leisurely among it.
At this moment, I realized that beautiful scenery really has the power to heal people’s hearts.
There may be no need to delve into the meaning of travel, but it will always leave us with those unforgettable moments.

· Datong Township Xinghua Valley

Xinghua Valley in Datong Township is a hidden wonderland.
Every March, when spring comes quietly, the most gorgeous apricot flowers in Kashgar bloom quietly in this deep mountain valley.
Datong Township is the last town in Xinjiang with access to roads. It is also a pure land undisturbed by worldly distractions.
Strolling along the village paths, stepping on the cobblestones on the bed of the Yarkand River, bathing in the warm sunshine, you are far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.
Being in this paradise, all the troubles and sorrows in your heart disappear with the wind, leaving only tranquility and peace.

A unique rugged experience

The beauty of Xinjiang is like a grand picture scroll, not only in its vast territory, but also in its precipitous and strange landforms, and even more in the dreamlike and beautiful scenery along the way.
If you are lucky enough to come to the magical land of Kashgar, then a self-driving tour is undoubtedly the best way to experience its charm.
As the wheels roll, we can not only feel freedom and carefreeness, but also deeply appreciate the unique style and charm of this land.
You might as well set foot on the Karakoram Highway, a winding cross-border road that looks like a giant dragon entrenched among the mountains.
Walking on this road, we will face countless challenges and surprises, but every danger and twists and turns will be replaced by more shocking scenery.
The Tasha Ancient Road is an ancient road carrying thousands of years of history.
It is not only synonymous with paradise on earth, but also a deserted adventure place.
Every inch of land that the wheels run over seems to contain touching stories, waiting for us to discover and savor.
In addition, there is the breathtaking Panlong Ancient Road.
There are more than 600 S-turns on this 70-kilometer-long road, and every bend is full of challenges and excitement.
It is not only a paradise for hard-core self-driving enthusiasts, but also a dream place in every traveler’s heart.
During this self-driving trip, we will have close contact with the magnificent scenery of Xinjiang and feel the shock and emotion this land brings us.
Let us embark on this unforgettable journey together to explore the stories and beauty hidden under the wheels.

Endless food

Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang have different beauties, each leading the way, but they have one thing in common, and that is the alluring delicacies, both of which make people salivate.
If you have never set foot in Xinjiang, it is difficult to know how intoxicating the real “meat” taste is.
Xinjiang in my memory is always accompanied by the aroma of chicken.
The soft chicken, sandy potatoes, and soul-like noodles are all integrated into one, and every bite is the ultimate enjoyment.
Catch the meat with your hands, the purest way to eat mutton.
Dip it with secret seasoning and serve it with onions. It melts in your mouth and goes straight to the sky. It’s intoxicating.
The wise people of Xinjiang have created the culinary treasure of hand-picked rice. The rice contains vegetables and meat, and is paired with refreshing side dishes. Every bite leaves a fragrant aroma on the lips and teeth, leaving endless aftertaste.
Noodle lovers will feel like they are in a deserted place when they come here. There are all kinds of noodles that you can’t stop trying.
Xinjiang’s grilled food series is also irresistible.
The fat and thin grilled buns, when you bite them, the fat overflows and your mouth is full of fragrance.
There are many types of Nang in Xinjiang, such as meat Nang, oil Nang, and Wowo Nang… each one has its own unique flavor, which is a feast for the eyes.
Surprisingly, Xinjiang people can bake all kinds of eggs so deliciously.
The baked eggs are more tender and more delicious than the boiled ones.
Nang pit meat is a unique delicacy in Xinjiang.
Grilled in a naan pit, the moisture of the meat is retained to the greatest extent. The outside is charred and the inside is tender, and the taste is excellent.
Come here in the summer and the gardens are full of fruits. How can you miss the cavas and pomegranate juice? The sweet taste is enough to relieve the summer heat.
△ Roast leg of lamb
△ Xinjiang fried rice noodles
△Yellow Noodle Barbecue
△ Sheep’s hoof
△ Crock meat
△ Pepper Chicken
△ Grilled fish
△ Yogurt
△ Horse breasts
In addition, Kashgar Grand Bazaar is also a place not to be missed.
As the largest international trade market in northwest my country, it has a history of more than 2,000 years and is known as “Asia’s largest market.”
There are more than 5,000 stalls, tens of thousands of specialties, and a busy flow of customers every day.
Here, you can not only shop to your heart’s content, but also taste various delicacies. Even if you just stroll around, you can feel the rich Western style.
I heard someone say: “Coming to Kashgar is like being in a kaleidoscope of the world.”
This statement is true. The time here seems to be stretched out, and the smell of fireworks permeates every corner.
Although the town is not big, it has convenient transportation and a leisurely pace of life.
Young people’s lives are rich and colorful. Whether they are tasting delicious food or partying and singing, everything seems so natural and comfortable.
The Uighur dances in parks and squares are even more breathtaking.
Whether they are octogenarians or childish children, they can all dance to the music, as if dancing is their innate talent.
The people here are warm and hospitable. Whether they are young people who can speak Chinese or the older generation who can only speak Uyghur, they will enthusiastically communicate with tourists and make people feel the warmth of home.
The sky is as blue as a wash, and the air is filled with the aroma of fruits.
The flowers and plants at the door are all traces of serious life. Children play carefree in the alley, as if living here really has no worries.
So, when you go to Xinjiang, you must visit Kashgar.
Create an unforgettable time in this ancient city that has been sleeping in the sea of sand for thousands of years, allowing your soul to truly relax and enjoy yourself.