The most “crazy” city in China ranks second in terms of happiness. No one dares to claim the first place.



In China, cities are like stars, each shining with the light of its unique positioning.

However, when the word “magic” is mentioned, the only thing that comes to mind is the unique Chongqing.

Chongqing, the magic of this city is like a moving picture that cannot be fully described in words.

Where is the magic in it? This seems to be an endless mystery, and every time you explore, you can discover new mysteries.

Chongqing magically breaks the boundaries between plane and three-dimensional space.

In this city, on the top of the mountain, high-rise buildings rise from the ground, reaching into the sky; but between the buildings, it seems to be flat ground, with streets crisscrossed and busy with traffic.

It magically breaks free from the constraints of gravity.

If Shandong Airlines can rise from dry land, then Chongqing’s taxis can soar into the sky, as if harnessing the power of the wind, shuttling through every corner of the city.

Chongqing, it is even more magical with its deep-rooted “happiness”.

Here, a steaming bowl of noodles costs only ten yuan, but it can make people taste the beauty of life; a sumptuous hot pot meal, which costs just over a hundred yuan, can make the taste buds dance.

On rest days, people don’t need to be tired from work, they just need to enjoy the leisure and comfort between sipping tea and rubbing hemp.

In this city full of vitality and charm, there are thousands of interpretations of “magic”.

Every time you explore, you can find new surprises, which make people fascinated and intoxicated. Chongqing, this magical city, always makes people yearn for it and never want to leave.


“Ancient times”

Liberation Monument

Visiting Chongqing without setting foot on the Jiefangbei is like visiting Beijing without seeing the face of the Forbidden City.

Today’s Liberation Monument has long become the heart and landmark of Chongqing; and looking back on the long history, it is a shining spiritual totem of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

This monument, none other than him, is the only national monument on the land of China commemorating the victory of the Chinese nation’s Anti-Japanese War. It stands here and witnesses the vicissitudes of the years and the glory of the nation.

The square is wide and the monument is towering, which is in sharp contrast with the bustling scene around it. It seems to be a quiet place in the bustle, a world apart.

From a solitary monument in the past to being surrounded by high-rise buildings today, it is like a weather-beaten old man, silently watching the changes in the world with a pair of eyes outside the world, witnessing the vicissitudes and glory of Chongqing from ancient times to the present.


Hongya Cave is famous all over the world, and its night view is half of Chongqing’s global presence.

This place condenses the essence of Chongqing’s three thousand years of history. The architectural art of Bayu Diaojiaolou and the cityscape of the river view are perfectly integrated here. The profound cultural connotation and brilliant architectural features have attracted countless tourists from all over the world to come and explore.

The extraordinary drop of 75 meters is along the cliff, with various heights and heights, and is built according to the mountain.

The sense of spatial dislocation is intertwined in the mist, creating maze paintings full of magical realism.

During the day, Hongya Cave may seem ordinary; however, as night falls, the lanterns are turned on, and the colorful lights interweave together, and the golden light of the mountain city blooms gorgeously at this moment.


Ancient town lovers, how can you miss Ciqikou?

This town may be similar to many ancient towns in China, but as long as you go deep into it and stroll along the branching paths, you will find the unique elements of the mountain town that make it unique.

Find a quaint teahouse, sit quietly in it, order a pot of tea, and watch people coming and going in the alley. There is a sense of casual tranquility in the bustle.

As the sky gets darker, the street lights turn on one after another, and the branches cast their shadows on the moss-covered walls through the street lights. The light and shadow interweave with time to form a beautiful picture that makes people linger.


“come now”


When people mention Chongqing, they always think of this ancient port city with a long shipping history.

Raffles City is the essence of this city’s shipping culture.

Its design concept is derived from the vastness of the river and the elegance of the sails. The towers are all in elegant arcs, like sails slightly bent by the wind, symbolizing Chongqing’s heroic ambition to ride the wind and waves and set sail, hence the name “Chaotian”. Set sail”.

No matter where you are, looking from a distance, this building always complements the surrounding ancient buildings, as if time intersects here and the past and the present blend together.

And when you step onto the crystal corridor connecting the four towers, you will have an unobstructed view of Chongqing’s rivers and mountains. It is like unfolding a magnificent historical picture, telling the glory and legend of this city.

Eling No.2 Factory

Eling No. 2 Factory was once the location of the central bank’s banknote printing factory during the Republic of China, and later became Chongqing No. 2 Printing Factory. It was once a leader in the southwest printing industry.

However, with the development and changes of the city, this industrial site has also undergone transformation.

After clever transformation with modern design, it reappears in people’s sight as a cultural and creative park.

The sun shines gently on the bluestone road, and the vines climb lazily on the brick-red walls, as if whispering the past years.

Climbing high and looking into the distance, you can see the turbulent waves of the Jialing River to the north and the boundless Yangtze River to the south. The scenery of the two rivers is so beautiful that people can’t help but want to shout loudly and release their inner passion.

Danzishi Old Street

Danzishi Old Street, adjacent to Nanbin Road, known as the “Chongqing Bund”, is one of the shining commercial streets in Chongqing’s history.

Here, classic and modern blend and collide, creating a unique charm.

Surrounded by tall buildings, the modern atmosphere is overwhelming, but the Chinese classical courtyards on the old streets are in sharp contrast to them, but they coexist harmoniously.

What’s even more amazing is that this is the only place in Chongqing where you can view two rivers, three bridges, and three landmarks at the same time.

As night falls, when I come to the riverside, the intoxicating river breeze blows on my face, and poetic and picturesque feelings come to my heart, as if I am in a dreamlike dream.

Beicang Cultural and Creative District

Beicang Cultural and Creative Street, located next to Jiangbei Guanyinqiao Pedestrian Street, is quieter and more elegant than the bustling Eling No. 2 Factory.

The walls along the street are covered with colorful graffiti, and the small shops are decorated in a fresh and refined manner, with just the right amount of green plants dotting them, adding a touch of natural atmosphere.

It seems like a pure and elegant paradise, allowing people to find a peaceful world in the busy urban life.



Luohan Temple

If you had not been to Chongqing in person, you might not have imagined that in the center of this bustling city, there is a simple temple hidden like a pearl embedded in the bustling city.

At first glance, Luohan Temple seems inconspicuous, but once you step inside, you will feel that there is a world of its own.

The Ancient Buddha Rock is more than 20 meters long. There are hundreds of Buddha statues carved on the rock from the Song Dynasty, either kind or solemn, with different shapes and lifelike shapes, as if telling the vicissitudes of the ancient temple’s history over a thousand years.

The temple is filled with incense and has solemn treasures. The architectural layout is adapted to local conditions and built according to the city’s terrain, in an orderly manner.

At the back door, the wishing lanterns are like stars, reflecting the night sky, which is so beautiful that it is fascinating. Even if you don’t go inside, you can still stop and admire the exquisite wood carvings on the door. Every moment of the knife embodies the hard work and wisdom of the craftsman.

Huguang Guild Hall

Huguang Guild Hall, this building built in the early Qing Dynasty, is closely connected with the magnificent history of “Huguang filled Sichuan”.

At that time, the Qing Dynasty took over the Central Plains, wars continued frequently, and the population of Sichuan dropped sharply.

In order to restore vitality, the Qing government implemented large-scale population migration, with Hubei and Hunan provinces accounting for the majority of the population, leading to the grand movement of “Huguang filling Sichuan”.

Huguang Guild Hall came into being under this background, witnessing that magnificent history.

The Huguang Guild Hall, leaning against the green hills and facing the Yangtze River, is majestic. The bright yellow buildings are built according to the mountains, layer upon layer, like a natural painting, showing a spectacular scene that is beyond the sky.

In the courtyard, crape myrtle flowers bloom like clouds, which contrast with the carved beams and painted buildings. They are a combination of hardness and softness, which is so beautiful.

Here, order a pot of tea, quietly savor the charm of history, and feel the beautiful time where simplicity and elegance intertwine, as if time has stopped for it.



Kuixing Tower

In the vast land of China, Kuixing Tower buildings are common, but Kuixing Tower in Chongqing stands out for its unique appearance.

Here, it is like a miniature picture of the topography of a mountain city, intuitively showing the peculiar landforms of Chongqing’s “mountain city”.

The moment you step onto Kuixing Tower in Chongqing, you feel as if you are on flat ground.

However, as your footsteps move forward, when you arrive at the other end of Kuixing Tower, you find that you are already above the 22nd floor. You have never gone up or down the stairs, but you are already at another level.

This is the magic of the mountain city. Its unpredictable changes are shocking.

Haitangxi Tongzi Building

With the popularity of the movie “Young You”, this dark old building, which had been dormant for many years, has also regained its vitality and become a new check-in place in Chongqing.

This old house built in the 1970s and 1980s is surrounded by spiral staircases on both sides and a dark patio in the middle. The entire building is shrouded in a layer of haze and dimly lit.

After the movie ended, the tourists left, leaving only the residents living here, silently guarding the tube tower.

All we can do is to show respect and awe and not disturb their ordinary and real life.

Xiahao Old Street

Xiahao Old Street was once the only way to Longmen Hao Wharf on the Yangtze River, carrying the vicissitudes of history and traces of time.

In the 1960s and 1970s, many small businesses moved into Xiahaozheng Street, making it a bustling street on the south bank of the Yangtze River, bustling with traffic and bustling with people.

Nowadays, compared with other popular attractions, Xiahao Old Street seems particularly quiet and isolated from the world.

The streets are neat and clean, in sharp contrast to the surrounding dilapidated old buildings.

Although warning signs of “demolition area” can be seen everywhere, there are still people guarding the place warmly, as if it has not been abandoned by the times.



Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges

Chongqing, this magical city, owes its charm not only to the prosperity of the city, but also to the miraculous craftsmanship of nature.

Wulong Tiansheng Three Bridges is a unique gift given to this land by nature. With its typical karst landform, it makes people feel like they are in a fantasy world in martial arts novels.

The three bridges are collectively known as Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Black Dragon Bridge. Coming down from the sightseeing elevator, you encounter Tianlong Bridge for the first time, and Tianfuguan Post Station is looming under the bridge.

Looking up, the mountain is majestic, as if it has opened its bloody mouth and swallowed people up. Its magnificence and shock are breathtaking.

Wujiang Gallery

Wujiang Gallery is a canyon that winds for several kilometers, with steep cliffs on both sides and strange rocks.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the turquoise river flows gurgling in the canyon, and the cliffs and strange-shaped rocks complement each other like natural art paintings, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.

Boating on the Wujiang River is an excellent way to view Baili Wujiang Gallery.

On one side are canyon cliffs, on the other side are antique buildings, and in the middle is the rippling Wujiang River. This scene only exists in the sky and is rarely seen in the world.

Fairy Mountain

In the south, the scenery of alpine grasslands is rare, but Fairy Mountain is an exception.

The grassland here is like a soft carpet, delicate and warm, making people want to lie down and enjoy the tenderness from nature.

The grassland in the south is different from the vast grassland in the north. It changes with the ups and downs of the terrain. Although it is not as boundless as the grassland in the north, the surrounding forests add a unique sense of comfort to it.

This is an excellent place for camping.

Under the starry sky, looking up at the dazzling Milky Way, with occasional shooting stars streaking across the sky, that kind of tranquility and beauty cannot be experienced in the city.



When you come to Chongqing, how can you miss that wonderful journey through the clouds – the Yangtze River Cableway?

The Yangtze River Cableway is known as the “bus in the sky over the mountain city”. It shuttles between the canyons like a silver belt, carrying pedestrians.

The car is as transparent as crystal. During the day, you can see the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and feel the magnificence and beauty of nature. When night falls, the lights are brilliant, and the ropeway draws a bright arc in the night sky, which is even more unique. .

When you come to Chongqing, there is another wonderful experience that cannot be missed – Liziba Station in the Crossing Building.

Liziba Station, this magical station hidden among tall buildings, is a unique sight in Chongqing.

It stands quietly between the 6th and 8th floors of a 19-story building, like a door to time and space, connecting reality and fantasy.

When the light rail train comes from a green distance, shuttles between buildings, and finally enters the bustling city, at that moment, you seem to have the magic to travel between fairy tales and reality.

When you come to Chongqing again, how can you miss the fascinating Crown Escalator?

This escalator connects Lianglukou and Chongqing Railway Caiyuanba Station. It is 150 meters long and extends upward at an inclination angle of 30 degrees. It is amazingly fast.

Standing on the escalator, you can enjoy the scenery along the way and feel the charm and vitality of the city of Chongqing.

However, while enjoying the beautiful scenery, don’t forget safety. Remember to hold on to the handrails and don’t affect others.

Chongqing, this charming city, is waiting for your exploration and discovery.

Whether it’s a trip across the Yangtze River Cableway, a wonderful experience at Liziba Station, or a shocking trip on the Crown Escalator, it will leave you with unforgettable memories.


“gourmet food”

In Chongqing, the pulse of the city beats with an indescribable “market spirit” that is deeply imprinted in every corner.

So, what is the market in Chongqing like? Perhaps, we can get a glimpse of it from the daily necessities of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. They are not only the spice of life, but also the unique charm of this city.

For Chongqing people, hot pot may not be a must-eat every day, but that steaming bowl of Chongqing noodles can always accompany them through three meals a day.

The sour and spicy hot and sour noodles, once you haven’t tasted them for a while, you will miss them, as if they have become an indispensable part of your life.

At noon, a bowl of boiled fish has become a good companion for dinner. The mellow soup, tender fish, and two bowls of plump rice are the most sincere respect for this dish.

And the spicy and tempting Maoxuewang makes people want to stop. The more they eat, the more addictive they become. It seems to have a magical power that makes people unable to stop.

The seemingly simple tofu pudding, dipped in special dipping water, becomes a rice thief, making people unknowingly add a few more bowls of rice.

And the fun of finding spicy chicken among the peppers is even more addictive, and you can taste a plate of delicious food in your mouth.

As night falls, Chongqing’s grilled fish stalls become a good place for people to gather. Sitting on the stall, enjoying the cool breeze, tasting the delicious grilled fish, and drinking a few glasses of wine, the feeling of comfort and satisfaction is really beautiful.

When Chongqing people are stuck in a dilemma of choice, hotpot is always the unmistakable choice.

The spicy taste and rich ingredients always make people forget their worries and immerse themselves in this unique deliciousness.

Before leaving, you might as well bring some Chongqing specialty snacks, such as crispy twists and strange-flavored beans. They are not only an aftertaste for your taste buds, but also a continuation of the beautiful memories of this city.

There are a hundred reasons to like Chongqing, but you don’t need any reason to fall in love with it.

This city has a unique charm that makes it difficult to leave once you set foot there.

If you have the opportunity to come to Chongqing, I believe you will be attracted by its charm and fall deeply in love with it.