The last living ancient city in China is more down-to-earth than Lijiang

As we all know, the land of Yunnan is like a picture carefully drawn by God, and every inch of the land contains endless beauty.
God seems to have a special liking for this land. He has written beautiful and moving stories one after another here, spreading endless poetry and romance to this magical land.
If you are eager to escape the hustle and bustle and find a quiet corner to spend a few days of leisure time, then compared to the bustling Lijiang and Dali, there may be a little-known secret place waiting for you to explore.
Prices there are more affordable than in Dali and more unpretentious than in Lijiang.
With only five hundred yuan, you can fully appreciate the customs there and indulge in the tranquility and beauty of the dreamlike Jianshui Ancient City.
The ancient city of Jianshui in the picture is like a bright pearl embedded in the land of Yunnan, waiting for your arrival.

The last living ancient city in China

There are many ancient cities in China, and the beautiful scenery in Yunnan is countless. However, the ancient city of Jianshui still brings endless surprises to every traveler who happens to set foot in Yunnan and explore the beautiful corners of this land with its unique charm.
This place is not as noisy and prosperous as popular tourist attractions, but with its profound historical heritage and simple folk customs, it has become a treasure-hunting place for today’s in-depth tourists.
Some people once praised that the ancient city of Jianshui is like the last ancient city in China that breathes living history.
It was once the political, economic and cultural intersection of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The roots of this city can be traced back to the earthen city built during the Nanzhao period, which was then expanded into a fortified city in the 20th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1387). brick city.
After twelve centuries of baptism and construction, Jianshui Ancient City still retains more than 50 ancient buildings. These buildings seem to be living fossils of history and are known as the “Museum of Ancient Buildings” and “Museum of Folk Residences.”
The low-key and restrained nature of the ancient city of Jianshui is what allows the city to be so well preserved.
There is no excessive commercialization here, and the atmosphere of life is rich and authentic.
Walking around, you can still see many local people living leisurely and contentedly in the ancient city. They lead a traditional and charming life.
Stepping into the ancient city of Jianshui is like traveling through a unique time and space tunnel. Every corner is filled with traces of history, and every brick and tile tells the story of the years.
Every scenery here makes people immersed in the charm of history and forget to leave.

8:00 First impression of Jianshui

Among the many ancient cities in Yunnan, Jianshui stands out for its unique leisure and purity.
The ancient town is still bustling with people and full of vitality.
Whenever the sun shines, you can always see old people carrying small benches, basking in the sun leisurely, chatting with neighbors, and even greeting tourists cordially, showing the kindness and tolerance of this ancient city.
For those who set foot here for the first time, it may feel a little rough. However, those who truly know how to appreciate it can taste its unique delicacy in this roughness.
On both sides of the trail, the ancient wooden facades tell the vicissitudes of time; the mottled stone slope pavement underfoot seems to tell the precipitation of history.
Everywhere you look, there are always a few flowers and plants dotted around, adding a bit of simplicity and natural charm to this ancient city.
Those who are interested will find that there are many ancient wells hidden in the ancient city.
Among them, the East Well has been dug since the early Yuan Dynasty and is still in use; while the West Gate Dashan Well is a relic from the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. Chronicles praised it as “for the whole city to drink”. It is not only the largest well in the ancient city, but also Is a witness to history.
The mouth of this ancient well is 2.7 meters wide and is cleverly composed of six curved stone slabs interlocked with six stone pillars. It is known as the first well in southern Yunnan.
The rope marks on the bluestone well railings are several inches deep, and some have even been worn through. These marks seem to tell the history of Jianshui and bear witness to the unique contribution of the ancient well to the life of the ancient city.
Strolling along the gradually awakening Lin’an Road, ancient temples, ancient wells, Taoist temples, city gates, and ancient dwellings complement each other and are full of ancient charm.
Every step you take, you can feel the unique tranquility and comfort of this city. After more than 1,200 years of ups and downs, the ancient city of Jianshui still maintains its tranquility and beauty, as if time has frozen here, making people forget to leave.

10 :00 Walk Into the South Yunnan View Garden

Since ancient times, Jianshui has been the gathering place for politics, military, economy, culture, religion and transportation in southern Yunnan. It has been a symbol of its glorious era since the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
At that time, the prosperity of commerce and trade made the city full of vitality. Residents generally lived a prosperous life, and wealthy nobles emerged in endlessly.
Among them, Zhujia Garden, as the epitome of prosperity during this period, is even more outstanding.
Every detail of this mansion, which covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters, reveals sophistication and luxury.
The carved door leaves are exquisite, and every stroke embodies the hard work of the craftsmen; the calligraphy and painting decorations outside the building are elegant and beautiful, exuding a timeless scholarly atmosphere, as if time has solidified here and has never passed.
Walking along the winding paths and walking among the exquisite buildings of Zhujia Garden, you feel like you are in a palace of beauty.
Every step is accompanied by the echo of history, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in it and never want to leave. When you come to the back garden, the scene in front of you is even more breathtaking.
The majestic rockery sets a tranquil and peaceful tone for the entire garden.
The pavilions, flowing water, green shades, stone piles, gallery boats and other landscapes are well-proportioned, like a picture of a blend of ancient and modern, which makes people intoxicated.
Walking along the promenade, you feel as if you have traveled through the long river of history and feel the precipitation and accumulation of time.
The ingenious combination of rockery and garden architecture not only shows magnificent luxury, but also reveals a simple and fresh artistic conception.
Let people slow down in the taste and indulge in this wonderful wonderland.
Every flower and every grass is the world, and the existence of the Zhu Family Garden undoubtedly adds a bright color to the city of Jianshui.
Fortunately, it has not been swallowed up by steel and concrete, and has not been covered by the dust of time. It will always maintain its purity and splendor and become a treasure of Jianshui’s history and culture.

12:00 Jianshui on the tip of the tongue

If it weren’t for the reminder of hunger in our belly, we might not realize that time is passing by so quickly.
The air is filled with the aroma of various delicacies, constantly teasing our taste buds and making people salivate.
There is always some flavor that transcends regional boundaries, carries the inheritance of history, and has become a common favorite among people from all over the world.
Jianshui tofu is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. When you take a bite, the caramel aroma and tenderness are intertwined. When dipped in the special sauce, it is even more delicious and unforgettable!
It is said that only the clear spring water from Dabanjing can produce the most authentic Jianshui tofu. Its unique taste is unmatched by other waters.
Grass sprouts, this is a unique delicacy of Jianshui, crisp, tender and delicious.
Put it into the broth and dance with the rice noodles. The delicious taste makes people want to stop. Every bite makes people intoxicated, as if they are in a food wonderland.
When talking about Jianshui’s delicacies, we have to mention the famous Jianshui Steam Pot Chicken.
As one of the representatives of provincial intangible cultural heritage, it has long been a household name.
This dish is carefully prepared using Jianshui’s unique earthenware steamer. The soup is condensed by steam, retaining the original deliciousness of the chicken, allowing people to taste the purest chicken flavor.
After you’ve had your fill of wine and food, you might as well bring some steamed cakes and bird’s nest cakes as souvenirs to share these delicacies from Jianshui with your family and friends.

14:30 Afternoon leisure time

After dinner, we embarked on a journey through time and space, riding a meter-gauge train that witnessed hundreds of years of changes.
This small train runs between the light yellow-walled Lin’an Station. This station was built in 1903. Its unique 1-meter narrow-gauge railway has become a unique scenery of Jianshui.
The meter-gauge train, as a section of the Bilinping Railway, shuttles between history and modernity regularly every day.
It departs on time at 9:00 am and 14:30 pm, traveling between four stations, starting from Lin’an Station, passing Shuanglongqiao Station, Xianghuiqiao Station, and finally arriving at Tuanshan Station. Each stop contains different styles and beautiful scenery, like flowing paintings, waiting for us to check in and take photos.
Shuanglongqiao Station is undoubtedly the most fascinating stop on this journey.
This large stone arch bridge with three pavilions and seventeen holes spans the intersection of the Lujiang River and the Tachong River. It is not only the largest multi-hole continuous arch bridge with the highest artistic value in Yunnan Province, but also a treasure that has been recorded in the history of bridge building in China. .
There are many ancient bridges in China with different shapes, but the uniqueness of Shuanglong Bridge lies in its asymmetrical beauty.
As the river changed from narrow to wide, the length of the bridge also expanded from the original three holes to seventeen holes. This change gave it a unique charm.
Although the three pavilions on the bridge have gone through vicissitudes of life, war, reconstruction, and damage, and now only two pavilions remain, this has not affected its shining style in the sun.

19:00 Traveling through the past and present

As night fell quietly, we hurried back to the ancient city and saw the Chaoyang Tower even more majestic under the afterglow of the setting sun.
On the city tower, the wooden screen door is exquisitely carved, showing its ingenuity; under the city wall, the old man walking leisurely has become a unique scenery in this ancient city.
A red and yellow melody, like the sound of nature, echoes over the ancient city, composing a long song of the years.
It celebrates the stories of today’s people and conveys touching historical heritage, making people’s hearts surging.
The afterglow of the setting sun shines on every corner of the ancient city, as if it has put a golden coat on this thousand-year-old city.
In this dreamlike afterglow, we seem to have traveled through time and space, and are in the glorious and prosperous age thousands of years ago, feeling the tranquility and beauty.
In Jianshui Ancient Town, you can sit leisurely in a street restaurant, taste special meals, and enjoy the tranquility and comfort all day long. The food here has a unique taste, and you can taste a different flavor in every bite.
In small street shops, you can also choose clothes suitable for the occasion, adding a unique style to your trip.
In Jianshui Ancient City, every scenery and every person you meet exudes a comfortable atmosphere, making you feel relaxed and happy like never before.
Here, it seems like a paradise where people can put aside all their worries and enjoy life to the fullest.