The largest private garden in China, with an investment of 250 million, is 10 times the size of Suzhou Gardens

Wen Zhengming, a calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, once left an eternal masterpiece: “It is a pity that there are no carriages and horses in this land, but I believe there are mountains and forests in the city.”
What this poem describes is the elegant style of the garden hidden in the hustle and bustle. It is like a bright pearl embedded in the bustling city.
Gardens have been a paradise that people yearn for since ancient times. They seem to be a secret paradise hidden in the world.
The quiet environment, picturesque scenery, exquisite green tiles and flying rafts, every place is permeated with the atmosphere of beauty, making people forget to leave.
When people mention Chinese gardens, the first thing that comes to mind may be the classical and elegant gardens in Jiangsu.
However, what few people know is that there is also a wonderful garden in Hefei, Anhui – the Mohe Garden.
Mohe Garden is located at the intersection of Hefei West Second Ring Road and North Second Ring Road, covering a vast area with a total area of 210 acres.
Its construction cost a lot of money, with a total investment of 250 million yuan. It broke ground in 2003 and was known as China’s largest “private garden” when it was first built.
The peony garden, persimmon ink, pomelo red tinge, Jade Bridge Palace, Broken Jade Tower and other scenery in the garden are all beautiful.
Small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, and exotic flowers and plants form a vivid picture.
The houses adopt Huizhou architectural features, which are simple and elegant, full of classical charm.
For old Hefei people, Mohe Garden has always been an important landmark in the development of the city, carrying the memories and emotions of countless people.
However, unfortunately, the financial crisis in 2008 broke the capital chain of Mohe Garden, forced the garden construction project to stall, and even owed huge debts.
In trouble, the investors of Moheyuan had no choice but to give up and go to other countries to avoid debt.
As a result, this once majestic garden gradually became deserted and lost its former glory.
Nowadays, when you step into the Mohe Garden, you will see the closed double doors. The ancient doors, windows and stone lions have become more and more vicissitudes under the erosion of time.
The carvings on the doors and windows had begun to rot, and the doorknobs on the door frames were also covered in rust.
Looking in through the crack in the door, what was once the entrance to a private garden has turned into a temporary kitchen, which makes people sigh at the ruthlessness of time.
Looking back at this once beautiful garden, Mohe Garden has now become a regret in people’s hearts.
It tells us that planning and construction need to be done within our capabilities and with caution to avoid making the same mistakes again.
The rise and fall of Mohe Garden has also become a profound lesson, reminding us that while pursuing a beautiful vision, we should not forget to be down-to-earth and cherish the present.

China’s most insignificant provincial capital

After I finished the description of Mohe Garden, I couldn’t help but feel a deep longing for the city where it is located – Hefei.
This city is often misunderstood, but it contains countless surprising treasures.
Hefei, this historical and cultural city, is like a gentle gentleman, born and prospered by water.
It is located between the Jianghuai River and the Huaihe River, at the strategic point of Wu and Chu. It has gone through ups and downs, but it remains unfazed and remains new for a long time.
Perhaps many people misunderstand the name “Hefei” and think there are many fat people here. Some people even jokingly call it “two fat people together”.
However, the origin of this name is actually because the Nanfei River and Dongfei River meet here, which gave this city such an elegant name.
Hefei, perhaps because it is too low-key, is often overlooked by people. However, the strength of this city cannot be underestimated.
Its economic growth rate is even comparable to that of an economically powerful city like Shenzhen.
In 2019, Hefei’s total GDP reached an astonishing 940.94 billion yuan, and it is within reach of the trillion-dollar club.
In addition to its strong economic strength, Hefei is a good place to live and work. People here live at a moderate pace and the environment is beautiful, making people forget to leave.
Whether you are strolling through the ancient streets or in the bustling city, you can feel the unique charm of this city.
Hefei, an undervalued treasure city, is waiting for more people to discover its beauty.


A city surrounded by parks

Strolling through the streets of Hefei, you will always encounter a “park” inadvertently.
These parks are like bright pearls embedded in the embrace of the city, adding a touch of tranquility and leisure to Hefei.
People stroll leisurely, run happily, or sit quietly on benches to enjoy a moment of tranquility and tranquility.
Perhaps it is this tranquility and tranquility that makes Hefei less hustle and bustle of big cities and giving it a unique charm.
Bao Park, this garden commemorating Bao Zheng, a famous upright official in the Northern Song Dynasty, is even more fascinating.
The garden has well-proportioned rockeries, rippling blue water pools, and exquisite flowers blooming, which complement the surrounding buildings and natural landscapes, forming a moving picture.
Walking there, you feel as if you can travel through time and space, pursue the atmosphere of ancient times, and feel the great deeds of Bao Zheng.
Bao Gong Temple, Bao Cemetery, Qingfeng Pavilion, Fuzhuang and other scenic spots are solemn and solemn with beautiful environment. The lake is sparkling and yachts are rippling; there are weeping willows and lush trees on both sides of the lake.
This is not only a holy place for people to pay homage to the sages, but also an excellent place to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Huiyuan is a garden that combines representative scenery from all over Anhui.
Wandering there, it feels like you can travel all over Anhui in a short time and touch the thread of history.
The Anhui Pavilion at the World Expo is also fully reproduced here, with white walls, black tiles, and high horse-head walls, fully displaying the ancient charm of the Hui style.
The rare Lingbi Stone is even more breathtaking.
Although these buildings are antique and slightly outdated, it is this simplicity and tranquility that allows people to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a moment of leisure and relaxation.
Especially during spring outings, you can rent a bicycle and ride around. You don’t need to deliberately view the scenery, just roam around and feel the comfort and comfort.
Xiaoyaojin Park was a ferry crossing on the Fei River in ancient times, also known as “Doujia Pond”, “Douye Pond” and “Duck Fighting Pond”.
The park was built on the original site of the ancient Xiaoyaojin battlefield. The mountain gate has antique buildings and yellow walls and brackets, making it very impressive.
On the plaque with gold characters on a black background, the four large characters “Gu Xiaoyaojin” are vigorous and powerful, written by Lu Runxiang, the number one scholar in the Qing Dynasty.
Entering the park, the majestic bronze statue of Zhang Liao with a sword and an erect horse seems to take people back to the Three Kingdoms period when wars were raging and the war was fierce.
Binhu National Forest Park is China’s first national forest park built from artificial forests that were converted from farmland to forests through ecological restoration.
Shanshui Luzhou Square is a must-visit place for tourists.
In the center of the square, the administrative division map of Hefei City is embedded in it. Chaohu Lake is paved with green lawns, and three huge camphor, hackberry, and saponaria trees stand in it, just like the incarnation of the three islands of Chaohu Lake.
The square is surrounded by forests, rocky mountains and waterfalls, forming picturesque landscapes that make people intoxicated and forget to leave.


Eternal classics, sung through the ages

Hefei, in addition to its picturesque scenery, also contains rich culture and profound history, which is worthy of people’s careful appreciation.
Kaifu Temple is the place of practice of Master Huiman, a Shu monk in the Tang Dynasty. It is surrounded by mountains and has a magnificent scale. There is a garden in the temple and a temple in the garden. The perfect blend of northern and southern temple styles is reflected here.
Many people have visited once, but are still willing to come back again, just to listen to the melodious sounds of the morning bells and evening drums, gaze at the majestic posture of the Dharma Face and Treasure Elephant, feel the tranquility of the sandalwood, and realize that “one flower, one world, one Buddha, one world” Tathagata” the true meaning of Buddhism.
Ancient Chao Lake, connected to the Fei River in the north, surrounded by 360 branches, and finally merged into the Yangtze River, is known as the Great Lake in Huaixi and the Pearl in Central Anhui.
This body of water has been the subject of poetry by poets since the Tang Dynasty. Its scenery of lakes and mountains, spring flowers and autumn moon, clouds, sunshine, rain and snow have all become poems, and they are still fascinating for thousands of years.
Laoshan Island in the center of Chaohu Lake is a shining pearl on the lake.
The island has three mountains and nine peaks, lush forests and evergreen trees all year round. It is like the only “oasis on the lake” on Chaohu Lake. Its beauty and mystery are worthy of every traveler’s exploration.
Sanhe Ancient Town was originally a high island in Chaohu Lake. After thousands of years of time and vicissitudes of life, it has turned into land and stands on the lakeside.
Water is the soul of the ancient town. It is surrounded by lakes, criss-crossing rivers, flying ancient bridges, and shuttle boats. The Huizhou-style architecture combines ancient and modern times, and is full of charm.
Walking into the deep ancient alley, with moss mottled and old bricks standing tall, it seems like you can travel through time and space and meet the cheongsam woman holding an oil-paper umbrella.
Li Hongzhang’s former residence is also a must-visit place during your trip to Hefei.
This former residence is located on a bustling pedestrian street. Although it has gone through many vicissitudes, it still maintains the style of the past.
The entire former residence occupies a wide area and is composed of the Li Mansion and the Huai Family Exhibition Hall. Each entry has its own unique architectural style and cultural connotation.
Standing in the courtyard, it seems that you can hear the echoes of history, lament the impermanence of time, and lament the shortness and length of life.
In Hefei, every step is a mark of history, and every place is a cultural accumulation.
The stories here need to be savored slowly and felt carefully.

Hefei, Hefei

When you set foot in Hefei, you realize that this city is a hidden gem that is underestimated by the world.
Wandering among the streets and alleys of Hefei, you feel like you are in a cultural corridor. The ancient charm and modern flavor are intertwined, and the charm is long and intoxicating.
This old city with a history of thousands of years is famous all over the world as “the hometown of the Three Kingdoms and the hometown of Bao Zheng”.
It guards the Jianghuai River and is closely connected with the charm of southern Jiangsu. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times and has witnessed countless heroic legends.
Recalling the battle of Feishui in the past, the heroism and skill in fighting will be remembered forever; the scene of burning Red Cliff is majestic and will be praised for thousands of years.
There must be something extraordinary about Hefei being honored as the provincial capital. If you have the opportunity, you may wish to visit here to feel the unique charm of this city and appreciate its profound cultural heritage.