The 6 most beautiful wonderlands in China. Visiting one of them is worth it.

In the vast land of China, there are six dream-like wonderlands on earth quietly hidden.

These places, with their unique natural scenery and profound cultural heritage, are like magnets, attracting the attention and footsteps of countless travelers.

Today, let us join hands to embark on this wonderful journey to explore the wonderland on earth.

From the vast grasslands in the north to the beautiful mountains and rivers in the south, from the ancient Taoist holy land to the magical and unpredictable Danxia landform, we will pursue, appreciate and experience the most beautiful and moving fairyland on earth in China.

Every step feels like stepping into a world of poetry and distance, and every scenery makes people fascinated and lingering.

1. Guangxi Longji Rice Terraces

Longji Rice Terraces, this magnificent group of terraces on the land of Guilin, consists of three parts: Jinkeng Rice Terraces, Ping’an Zhuang Rice Terraces, and Longji Ancient Zhuang Village Rice Terraces. It is picturesque and fascinating.

When embarking on a journey to the Longji Rice Terraces, people mostly walk to enjoy the beautiful scenery and capture every touching moment with their lenses.

Especially for those who love photography, the sunrise here is the beautiful scenery they yearn for.

In addition, tourists can also taste authentic farm dishes and deeply experience the unique customs of ethnic minorities, as if they are in a paradise far away from the hustle and bustle.

In this terraced field, villages of the Yao and Zhuang people are dotted here and there, full of strong ethnic flavor.

Every year when the Red Yao people’s “Clothes Drying Festival” comes, every household will dry their colorful floral skirts in the sun. The brilliant colors and the green of the terraces complement each other, forming a beautiful picture of ethnic customs. People linger and forget to leave.

2. Namtso, Tibet

The third largest saltwater lake in China is like a bright pearl inlaid on the top of the plateau. It is not only the highest saltwater lake in the world, but also a holy place in the hearts of countless pilgrims, carrying endless faith and piety.

Since ancient times, this mysterious lake has attracted countless pilgrims to worship.

The five islands in the lake, like the incarnations of the five Buddhas, quietly guard this holy land and are regarded as a must-visit sacred place by faithful men and women.

With pious hearts, they traveled across mountains and rivers just to see the beauty of these five islands and feel the blessings and gifts from the gods.

Every Tibetan calendar year, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Dharma-expanding gods will set up altars and hold Dharma gatherings in Namtso.

At that time, believers came from all directions, dressed in costumes, holding prayer wheels, and praying devoutly around the lake.

At that moment, the entire Namtso was immersed in a solemn and sacred atmosphere, as if even the air was filled with the flavor of faith.

The prayers and chanting of believers come and go, intertwined with the waves of the lake, forming a moving picture.

3. Hulunbuir Grassland, Inner Mongolia

Hulunbuir Prairie ranks among the four largest grasslands in the world. Its scenery is so majestic and vast that it makes people feel magnanimous and relaxed.

Here, the meandering Morgele River is like a silver ribbon, flowing lightly through the grassland and flowing out a quiet and distant melody.

Hulun Lake and Bell Lake, these two sister lakes on the grassland, echo each other from a distance, like two bright pearls inlaid on the green carpet.

Mordaoga National Forest Park and Iksama National Forest Park are green treasure troves on the grassland, showing stunning forest scenery.

These dense forests, like the green dress of Mother Earth, make the grassland more vibrant.

In Manzhouli, the Russian Matryoshka Doll Square is an excellent place to experience exotic customs.

Those colorful matryoshka dolls seem to be telling the friendship and cultural exchanges between China and Russia.

In the small towns of Enhe and Shiwei in Ergun, you can experience the Russian customs more deeply.

Staying in the unique “wooden carving room” and tasting an authentic Russian meal will make you feel like you are in a foreign country, making you forget to leave.

Here, you can enjoy the wonders of nature, feel the vastness and magnificence of the grasslands, and experience the unique charm of foreign cultures.

Hulunbuir Prairie is a fascinating place and a dreamland that makes people forget to leave.

4. Laojun Mountain, Luoyang, Henan

According to legend, Laozi, the founder of Taoism in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, devoted himself to cultivation in this mountain, hence the name Laojun Mountain. As the main peak of Funiu Mountain, it is majestic and majestic.

With an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, Laojun Mountain stands majestically, reaching into the sky.

There are majestic official palaces and temples in the mountains. The red walls and gold tiles shine in the sun, making them look solemn and solemn.

In ancient times, this was a holy place in the hearts of Taoist believers. They traveled thousands of miles to come to worship and seek spiritual sustenance and purification.

When you step into the scenic spot, you can not only taste the delicious local specialties, but also see the statue of Laozi riding a bull and the golden statue of Taishang Laojun.

The statue of Lao Tzu riding a bull is lifelike, as if recreating the scene of Lao Tzu riding a bull out of seclusion, and his leisurely, contented and otherworldly demeanor is vividly visible.

The golden statue of Taishang Laojun is shining with golden light, solemn and solemn, and awe-inspiring. These landmarks are not only symbols of Laojun Mountain, but also the inheritance and embodiment of Taoist culture.

5. Huangshan, Anhui

Huangshan has been the shining pearl of China’s famous mountains since ancient times. Its unique pines, strange rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs are known as the “Four Wonders” and are breathtaking.

Strange pines stand tall in various shapes, seeming to tell thousands of years of stories; jagged rocks with different shapes seem to be the miraculous workmanship of nature; the sea of clouds surges like a dream, making people feel like they are in a fairyland; the hot springs are dense and warm Pleasant, bringing a touch of comfort and tranquility to tired travelers.

In addition to these four wonders, Huangshan’s rime, snow scenery and sunrise are also beautiful scenery that tourists cannot miss.

The rime is wrapped in silver, decorating the mountains and rivers in a picturesque way; the snow scenery is pure white, as if it has covered the earth with a thick velvet blanket; at sunrise, the rays of light dye the entire Huangshan into golden color , fascinating.

An ancient saying goes: “When you come back from the Five Mountains, you don’t look at the mountains; when you come back from Huangshan, you don’t look at the mountains.” This shows that the beauty of Huangshan is unparalleled.

Huangshan Scenic Area is divided into front mountain and back mountain, each with its own merits.

Along the front mountain from Ciguang Pavilion to Guangmingding, you can see gurgling hot springs, the towering Yuping Tower, and the vast Tianhai Scenic Area.

Among them, the welcoming pine branches are lush and leafy, welcoming every guest from afar; Banshan Temple is simple and solemn, telling the vicissitudes of history; Tiandu Peak is steep and straight, reaching into the sky; Yuping Tower, Lotus Peak, One Line of Sky, Attractions such as Aoyu Peak have their own unique characteristics and make people forget to leave.

The back mountain ranges from Yungu Temple to Guangmingding, and the Beihai and West Sea scenic areas have beautiful scenery.

Shixin Peak is beautiful and colorful, Lion Peak is majestic, Paiyun Pavilion towers into the clouds, Xihai Grand Canyon is profound and unpredictable, Flying Stone is mysterious and unpredictable, and Songgu Temple is quiet and elegant.

These scenic spots complement each other and together constitute the unique and charming scenery of the back mountain of Huangshan Mountain.

Among the many scenery, the “Three Wonders and Five Wonders” of Huangshan are even more impressive.

The peculiar pine trees, strange rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, snow scenery, and sunrise constitute Huangshan’s unique natural wonders; and the rime, snow scenery, and sunrise add endless charm to Huangshan Mountain.

Every scene is poetic and picturesque, making people intoxicated and lingering.

6. Zhangye, Gansu

The Danxia in Zhangye is not the single red that you usually see, but the colorful seven-color Danxia, which is like the palette of nature, subtly blending various colors together.

It is located quietly 40 kilometers northwest of the city. It is like a colorful picture and is breathtaking.

This wonder of Danxia is even praised as “one of the seven most beautiful Danxia in China” by “China National Geographic”, which shows its extraordinary charm.

The Matisi Grottoes Group is another must-see attraction in Zhangye.

It was excavated in the Yuan Dynasty and is located 65 kilometers southwest of the city. It combines natural scenery with human history.

Here, you can feel the uncanny craftsmanship of nature and the wisdom of the ancients, which makes you forget to leave.

Generally speaking, one day is enough to visit Danxia and Madi Temple, allowing you to fully appreciate the magnificent scenery and profound culture of Zhangye.

In addition, there are also scenic spots such as the Drum Tower, the Great Buddha Temple, and the Wanshou Wooden Pagoda in Zhangye City. They are within walking distance of each other, making it easy for tourists to visit.

You can make flexible choices based on your personal interests. Whether you want to appreciate ancient architectural art or appreciate the profoundness of Buddhist culture, you can find satisfaction here.

Travel through thousands of mountains and rivers and appreciate the beautiful wonderland on earth.

These six major tourist attractions are like bright pearls, each shining with its own unique brilliance. Each place is full of endless charm, waiting for us to explore and experience.

They interpret the magic and beauty of nature in their own unique ways.

Some of the mountains are stacked with mountains and mist, making you feel like you are in a fairyland; some of the lakes have rippling blue waves, and the water and sky are the same color, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Every scenery is a masterpiece of nature, making people forget to leave.

At the same time, these tourist attractions also carry China’s profound historical and cultural heritage.

The ancient buildings, long history, and rich cultural heritage make us feel like traveling through time, talking to the ancients, and appreciating the breadth and depth of Chinese civilization.

In these six major tourist destinations, we can not only feel the magic and beauty of nature, but also deeply experience the charm and charm of Chinese culture.

Let us embark on this wonderful journey to explore these treasure-like tourist attractions, feel the charm of nature, and appreciate the elegance of Chinese culture.