China’s most expensive scenic spot, less than 50,000 people have visited it in the world

In today’s society, no matter which field, there seems to be an unspeakable competitive atmosphere, and the travel industry is no exception.

Among the preferential policies launched by many scenic spots, the one known as “China’s most expensive scenic spot” stands out and attracts attention.

When I first heard the name, I couldn’t help but feel a little curious: “The most expensive? How expensive can it be?” With such a question, I clicked on the introduction about it.

At that moment, I was shocked-a ticket was as high as 3,500 yuan. If foreigners want to visit, they need to make an appointment in advance and pay a deposit of up to 300,000 yuan. Even so, they may not be able to see the real appearance.

So far, only 50,000 people have the honor to set foot in this mysterious place, which is the legendary ancient city of Loulan.

The ancient country of Loulan, located west of Lop Nur, was once a transportation hub in the Western Regions and occupied a pivotal position on the ancient Silk Road.

It rose on this land in 176 BC, but in 630 AD, it suddenly disappeared in the dust of history, leaving only a ruin, telling of its former glory.

This land is full of mystery and legend.

The reason for its disappearance is still an unsolved mystery.

It rose quickly in the desert and fell quickly. Only from those increasingly blurred ruins can we see traces of its existence.

As for why the tickets are so expensive, on the one hand, it is because the extreme landform environment in the area brings certain dangers, and the high price can dissuade those tourists who blindly follow the trend; on the other hand, as a key cultural relic protection unit, its value cannot be measured by money.

Today, the ancient city of Loulan has been closed to the public and has become a holy place that cannot be reached no matter how much money is spent. However, this has not reduced people’s yearning for it.

Every year, countless people still come to its place, eager to get close to it and smell the ancient and mysterious breath.

The ancient city of Loulan, a place full of mystery and legend, makes people feel awe and infinite reverie.

It is not just a ruin, but also a witness of history and an eternal legend.

Ruoqiang County

The largest county in China

Ruoqiang County, this ancient land, has been shining in the long river of history. It was once a shining pearl on the Silk Road. Now it stands out with its vast territory and has become the largest county in China. Its vastness is comparable to two Zhejiang provinces.

Here is the birthplace of Loulan civilization. The brilliant rainbow-like flames still shine after thousands of years of dust.

It carries the world’s most extreme desolation and breeds the deepest yearning. Every inch of land is full of legendary colors. It is fascinating in the midst of wind and clouds.

On this land, Lop Nur, the life forbidden land with hundreds of miles of barren grass, quietly tells the vicissitudes of time.

As one of the six forbidden areas in China, it has attracted the attention of countless Chinese and foreign explorers. The mysterious and extremely harsh natural environment has become their paradise for exploration.

However, you may find it hard to imagine that this seemingly lonely and mysterious area was once the most famous lake in the Western Regions. At that time, the lake was vast, the fish were fat and the shrimps were beautiful, and it was full of vitality.

But with the passage of time, the impact of human activities and the deterioration of the ecological environment, this lake lost its vitality forever in 1972, leaving behind a legend of “disappearing fairy lake”, which makes people sigh.

The wind is the most diligent sculptor here.

Years of wind erosion have blown the accumulated sand into a magical shape, as if it is the work of nature, which makes people marvel.

Walking through the long corridor of history, those green plants, like tenacious warriors, stand firm in the harsh environment and become the most moving scenery on this land.

Lop Nur, known as the “Devil’s Triangle” on the Asian continent, is the site of the ancient Silk Road, leaving behind countless dead bones and legends.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the desert is like the bare chest of the earth, with ribs clearly visible, which are traces of vicissitudes of life and the marks left by time.

And in this vast land, there is also China’s largest alpine wildlife nature reserve, the Altun Mountain Nature Reserve.

This forgotten pure land, located at the junction of Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet and Gansu, is the master of wild animals and their paradise.

Here, dominated by desert vegetation, the original plateau ecological environment is completely preserved. There is no signal, no network, and even no road, but it has a mysterious charm.

In the deep mountains and dense forests of the Altun Mountains, you can see those well-protected animals.

Argali sheep collided violently to compete for mates, while wild camels, Tibetan wild donkeys, wild yaks, Tibetan antelopes, argali sheep, and red deer strolled leisurely by the river under the moonlight, forming a harmonious natural picture.

In addition, Ruoqiang County is the only county in China with three major deserts.

Here is China’s largest desert, the Taklimakan Desert. The entire desert is about 1,000 kilometers long from east to west and about 400 kilometers wide from north to south, like a golden ocean, vast and boundless.

There is also the Kumtag Desert, the desert closest to the city in the world. The desert and the city are separated by a line, and it is difficult to cross each other, as if it is a wonderful boundary between nature and humans.

And the world’s highest desert, the Kumkuli Desert, attracts the attention of countless explorers with its unique geographical location and magnificent scenery.

Here, the beautiful sand hills are like waves raised by the sea, rolling up sand waves, majestic and magnificent.

Looking down at your feet, the gullies in the desert are like carefully carved works of art. They are masterpieces of nature. They are perfect enough without artificial decoration.

This land, with its unique charm, attracts countless people’s attention, making people linger and yearn for it.


It encompasses all the elements of Xinjiang

Of course, if the trip to Ruoqiang County stops here, wouldn’t it be a waste of good time?

Why not expand your steps and go to the vast Bayinguoleng Autonomous Prefecture, which means “rich river basin” in Mongolian. It occupies a quarter of the magnificent mountains and rivers in Xinjiang.

Bayinguoleng, a natural painting, with high mountains, deep basins, winding rivers, quiet lakes, vast Gobi, vast deserts, vast plains, and vibrant oases. All the beautiful scenery is in it and can be seen at a glance.

Here, you will meet the world’s largest original poplar forest-Tarim Poplar Forest. It is the largest poplar forest park in Xinjiang and the most concentrated holy place for poplar forests in the Tarim River Basin.

Imagine the vastness of more than 400,000 mu. Even if you drive to the scenic area, it takes half an hour to go deep into the forest from the gate of the scenic area.

Take the sightseeing train and you will pass through green grasslands, red willows, reed marshes, cross the Qiayang River, and circle the lake in the forest, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the desert Jiangnan all the way.

This 30-minute visual feast will surely make you linger, as if you are in a dream world.

On both sides of the road, poplar forests stand tall, they are tall and strong, with different shapes, some are bent and prostrated, some are looking up to the sky and howling, some are silent, and some are heroic.

Going deep into it, you will find that the poplar forests in the desert are full of vitality in the flow of time, as if injected with the source of life and become eternal watchers.

In addition, Bayinguoleng also hides the nine suns forgotten by Houyi-Bayinbuluke Grassland.

The size of this grassland cannot be described in words. Only when you are there can you feel the urge to run on the grass.

The soft and flat grasslands stand against the desert and snow-capped peaks, forming a unique landscape painting.

When the sun sets, the winding river is inlaid on the grassland like an oil painting. Under the refraction of the sun, nine red suns are reflected in the river bay. The scene is incredible, as if even Houyi would rub his eyes to confirm that it is not an illusion.

And in Bayinguoleng, there is another mysterious place – the Luobu Village.

This is the most mysterious family in China. It is adjacent to the largest Taklimakan Desert in China to the south. The Tarim River flows through the scenic area, and the original Populus euphratica forest reserve is also located here.

The Luobu people are one of the oldest ethnic groups in Xinjiang. They used to live an isolated life. Although they are rare now, their existence adds a bit of mystery to this land.

When you are in the village, you will feel a strong sense of time and space interweaving, and your soul will be greatly shocked.

Finally, let’s come to the pearl of the Silk Road Post – Bosten Lake.

This lake has been a shining pearl on the Silk Road since ancient times. It is located on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert, but on this dry sand, it presents a beautiful scenery of rippling blue waves.

Xinjiang always breaks people’s stereotypes about things. The desert is not always desolate. It can also breed a spring of life, surrounded by reeds, making the desert dreamlike.

This is the charm of Bayinguoleng. In the last second, you are still lamenting the desolation and magnificence of nature.

In the next second, you will be shocked by the vitality and vitality in front of you.

Countless emotions intertwine in your heart, making people linger and unforgettable.