The 6 best cities in China for budget travel, cheap and fun!

Travel is one of the joys of life. It allows tired body and mind to rest, broadens narrow horizons, and accumulates superficial knowledge. However, travel is neither a pile of money nor a pursuit of luxury. In this world, there is a way of traveling called “poor travel”. It is not a simple journey, but … Read more

The only train station in China with typos. It has not been corrected for 70 years. There is a lot of trouble behind it.

The only train station in China with typos The railway station, as the gateway to the city, carries indispensable importance for every city. It is not only a transportation hub, but also the first impression of this city in the minds of countless travelers. Therefore, cities always attach great importance to the construction of railway … Read more

Jiangsu’s most “bleak” scenic spot, which cost 500 million to build, was once the filming location of “The Swordsman”

Some people say that the poetry of Wuxi is like blue waves flowing for thousands of years, everywhere and at all times. The waxy tin opera singing, intertwined with the Buddhist sounds of Lingshan, gently awakens the ears numbed by the hustle and bustle of the city, and quietly sneaks into the heart under the … Read more

The only city in China that is surrounded by a “sea of flowers”, every day is Valentine’s Day

As time goes by, the season of collapse comes again in the hearts of our friends in the north. The flying poplar catkins shocked the southerners and made the northerners burst into tears. However, a comment from a Kunming netizen stung the nerves of friends from the north: “I really envy you in the north. … Read more

This beautiful ancient village in Jiangxi was built with a cost of 2.6 billion yuan. It is a real-life version of Spirited Away. It is so beautiful.

Another beautiful place in China has set off a craze around the world and attracted countless attention. Sheer cliffs, waterfalls, cool breezes, majestic ancient buildings, winding covered bridges… This place seems to be an ancient world hidden on the cliffs, which makes people linger. This is Wangxian Valley in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, a fairyland that … Read more

The only free 5A ancient town in Zhejiang, breathtakingly beautiful

In Zhejiang, this ancient and fertile land, the ancient towns are like stars, Wuzhen, Xitang, Nanxun… each one is dazzling and exudes its own unique light. However, among the shining stars, there is one hidden in the mountains and deep valleys, like an independent pearl. It is the Nianbadu Ancient Town, an almost unknown treasure. … Read more

The only city in China soaked in spring water, you won’t want to leave when you go there!

01 Jinan, Jinan When I first arrived in Jinan, my deepest feeling was that it was like a slowly flowing spring water, giving people a peaceful and unique romance. In today’s noisy and chaotic society, Jinan people stick to their inner peace, flowing alone in the world like a clear spring. They don’t show off, … Read more

China’s only third-tier city with “dual airports” is world-famous for its wine

In the vast land of China, there is a city that shines like a pearl with its unique charm, attracting the attention of the world. This city is not only the only shining third-tier star in China with “dual airports”, but it is also famous all over the world for its aroma of wine. It … Read more

China’s cheapest seaside city is a place of hidden treasures

There are countless beautiful islands in China, including the famous Sanya in the past and Wanning, a new internet celebrity. However, today Luisito is willing to reveal a hidden treasure for you. It is also located in Hainan. Although it is not a prosperous tourist city, it has a quieter city than Sanya, a clearer … Read more

The most low-key ancient town in Jiangsu, a must-visit place during Qianlong’s 3rd trip to the south of the Yangtze River

The water town in the south of the Yangtze River is as picturesque as a poem. In the hazy mist and rain, the beautiful scenery and secrets complement each other like a dream. Deep in this hazy waters, there is a low-key and mysterious ancient town – Huishan Ancient Town. It is like a bright … Read more