Another 4A scenic spot in China is about to become popular. It costs 1.8 billion and does not charge tickets! The scenery is not inferior to Guilin, but no one wants to come…

Recently, a majestic “fake ancient city” has become the focus of media reports.

The ancient city, which cost up to 1.8 billion, is like a magnificent lady, opening her broad mind and eagerly looking forward to the arrival of tourists from all over the world.

However, it is regrettable that although the ancient city is magnificent, has all the internal facilities, and is open to the public free of charge, its popularity seems to be quite low.

This mysterious and heartbreaking ancient city is the Taiping Ancient City located in Chongzuo, Guangxi.

Mentioning the “fake ancient city” may be a bit unfair to it. Because in the long history of Chongzuo, the ancient city of Taiping did exist.

According to historical records, during the Ming Dynasty, Chongzuo was the seat of Taiping Prefecture, and the ancient Taiping City was a long memory.

Until 2006, in order to develop tourism, Chongzuo rebuilt a “fake ancient city” on the site, which is the Taiping Ancient City we see today.

However, the road to replicating Taiping Ancient City is not smooth. After several years of ups and downs, the replacement of many developers, and a final cost of 1.8 billion, the first phase of Taiping Ancient City was finally unveiled in September 2021.

Taiping Ancient City Scenic Area is located on the bank of the Zuojiang River in Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City. The ancient city is surrounded by the Zuojiang River on three sides, enjoying the unique natural beauty.

Relying on the steep mountains and beautiful waters, the beautiful scenery is natural. In ancient times, it had the reputation of “Lishui folds in four directions and surrounds it on three sides. It is shaped like a pot, so it is called Pot City”. Here, it can be said that it occupies an excellent place with the right time, right place and right people.

When it first appeared, Taiping Ancient City was indeed prosperous. The stunning night view and antique buildings attract countless tourists to come and check in.

At the peak of its popularity, it was even more crowded and lively.

As the inheritance place of Chongzuo Zhuang culture, this thousand-year-old homeland is glowing with new vitality.

It is like an artistic treasure house of Zhuang culture, gathering various commercial formats such as shops, supermarkets, bar streets, restaurants, film and television cities, star hotels, and cinemas.

In the ancient city, 29 cultural landscapes and 8 natural scenic spots complement each other. Whether it is the Zhuang Enclosed Tower, Yifang Theater, Fengyu Bridge and Customs Commercial Street, they are all filled with strong Zhuang customs. Therefore, it is also known as the national 4A scenic spot.

However, the good times did not last long, and the prosperity of Taiping Ancient City did not last long and gradually fell into a downturn…

At this moment, you may be curious: Why did the ancient town that was once a popular Internet celebrity fall into such a situation?

There are many reasons.

First of all, the tourism resources in Chongzuo City are scattered, and the way to visit Taiping Ancient City lacks new ideas. They are just renting clothes to take photos, rafting on the river, circling, or tasting barbecue, which lacks unique charm.

Secondly, Chongzuo City has a relatively small population base, with a total population of only 2.52 million in 2023, and the number of people staying locally is even more limited.

The most important thing is that now “fake ancient cities” are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and tourist resources have become increasingly tight. No matter which city you go to, it seems that you can see similar ancient cities, lacking anything new.

What’s more, Taiping Ancient City is located in Guangxi, a major tourist province. In this land, there are countless places of interest and historical sites. If it wants to stand out and retain the hearts of tourists, Taiping Ancient City still has a long way to go.

In fact, in my opinion, instead of trying all the efforts to improve the popularity of Taiping Ancient City, it is better to invest more publicity power in the “Chongzuo” city itself.

Because Chongzuo is itself so beautiful that it makes people enchanted.

Chongzuo, Chongzuo

Chongzuo is a shining pearl hidden by the years, waiting for the world to discover and appreciate it.

Among the vast tourist provinces of Guangxi, Guilin has been famous for its unparalleled landscapes, Liuzhou’s snail noodles are fragrant, and the romantic charm of the North Sea is intoxicating.

However, the scenery of Chongzuo is no less than these scenic spots. It lies quietly in the embrace of Guangxi, exuding unique and charming charm.

Chongzuo is like spring all year round, warm and pleasant. The blue sky here is clear, the white clouds are long, the green mountains are green, the green water is gurgling, and the lake reflected in the sunset is like a mirror, reflecting the beautiful picture between heaven and earth.

Walking into Chongzuo, it feels like stepping into a fairyland on earth.

The continuous peaks and forests of the karst landform are picturesque and poetic; the fragrance of rice overflows in the fields and fields, making people forget to leave; the clear streams shuttle through the mountains, playing the music of nature.

Everyone who comes to Chongzuo will be shocked by the beautiful scenery here and express heartfelt admiration.

Only a two-hour drive from Nanning city, you can reach this paradise on earth.

Detian Waterfall, as the business card of Chongzuo, is the pride of Guangxi.

It is the largest transnational waterfall in Asia and the fourth largest in the world, with an average annual water flow three times that of Huangguoshu Waterfall.

The waterfall falls from the high cliff, with water splashing and mist forming a spectacular picture.

When the sunlight passes through the waterfall, it forms colorful light and shadow, and the sound of the rushing water is even more shocking.

Mingshi Pastoral is known as the “Pearl of Southern Guangxi”. The vast farmland, fresh air, rolling green hills, clear streams, and fresh and simple village farmland dotted among them constitute a beautiful pastoral scenery.

When you are here, you feel like you have stepped into a beautiful landscape painting. The breeze in the mountains is blowing on your face, the Zhuang folk songs are melodious, and the green mountains and green waters are so beautiful.

Taking a bamboo raft is the best way to experience the essence of Mingshi countryside. Starting from the upstream boat dock, you can have a panoramic view of the mountains, villages, and countryside along the way.

Among the green dotted by the mountain peaks, a clear and winding river flows quietly, like emerald jasper. In the clear river water, water plants float gracefully, and fish swim freely in it.

A few ducks swam past, causing ripples and breaking the tranquil reflection of the mountain peaks, making people suddenly realize: It turns out that this is not a painting, but a masterpiece of nature.

Friendship Pass, as one of the top ten famous passes in China, has witnessed the historical evolution and development of southern China.

On the left side of the building is the Zuobi Mountain City Wall, and on the right side is the Youfu Mountain City Wall, which is majestic. It is not only a witness of history, but also a symbol of China-Vietnam friendship.

In addition, the Huashan rock paintings are also a must-see attraction in Chongzuo.

The ancients used ocher-red hematite powder to draw magical murals on the natural cliffs. These “dancing little figures” are lifelike, as if they are showing us the lives, beliefs and philosophy of our ancestors.

While boating on the river, looking up at the rock paintings on the cliffs, it seems like you can hear the echoes of history.

The Guilong Leaning Tower in Zuojiang River is known as the “Leaning Tower of Pisa” in China.

It looks slanted but not slanted, is slanted on all sides, and is slanted but not falling. It is famous all over the world. Taking a boat around the tower, the tower visually tilts towards the viewer, which is breathtaking.

Perhaps many people have never heard of the name Chongzuo, but because of this, it has been able to be “left alone and independent”.

Compared with the bustling Guilin, Chongzuo is a bit quieter and more like the paradise described by Tao Yuanming.

Stepping into Chongzuo, you will feel a longing and yearning for life, a state of returning to nature, reality and innocence.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to visit this romantic place in Guangxi next time, you might as well go to Chongzuo to take a look. The beautiful scenery and customs there will definitely make you linger and leave you with unforgettable memories.