A thousand-year-old town that was once prominent but now has few visitors

In China, this ancient land is dotted with ancient towns like stars.

Especially in the misty Jiangnan water town, the ancient town is like a private garden, always open to invite people to stay and enjoy a few days of leisure time.

However, in addition to these many well-known ancient towns, there are also some corners that were once prominent but now have few visitors.

In the southwest corner of Hangzhou, there lies a thousand-year-old town – Heqiao.

It is located at the confluence of Changhua River, Changnan River and Puxi River. The prosperity of the past has earned it the reputation of “the first town of Tangchang”. However, as time flies, this ancient town has gradually been forgotten by the years. Now it is rarely visited, leaving only tranquility and peace.

The history of Heqiao Ancient Town can be traced back to the prosperous Tang Dynasty, with more than 1,300 years of cultural accumulation.

During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, this place had a large population, prosperous commerce and culture, and was once the political center of ancient Changhua County. Walking on the bluestone road of the ancient town, it seems that you can hear the whispers of history and feel the hustle and bustle of that era.

Whether it is natural scenery or cultural heritage, Heqiao Ancient Town is not inferior to Wuzhen and Xitang, and it has even won the honor of 4A-level scenic spot. However, in 2016, Heqiao Ancient Town lost this honor.

What is the reason?

On the one hand, the scenic spot is crowded with people, and stampedes occur from time to time. Although it has not caused a major disaster, it has brought a lot of negative impact to the scenic spot. What is more serious is that Heqiao Ancient Town failed to cherish this honor, but instead put the image of the scenic spot behind, extorting tourists at high prices, which caused dissatisfaction among tourists.

Therefore, Heqiao Ancient Town was deprived of the 4A-level scenic spot qualification, and the prosperity of the past also dissipated, and the ancient town began to enter a period of rectification.

However, as the negative image has been deeply rooted in people’s hearts, even if the local government makes efforts to rectify it, it is difficult for tourists to restore their confidence in this place, and Heqiao Ancient Town has gradually become desolate.

With the decrease in tourists, many businesses have evacuated, and the ancient town has gradually restored its former tranquility.

Today, Liuxi River runs through Heqiao Ancient Town, and the river water is clear and sparkling.

Walking along the river, the mountains and rivers on both sides are picturesque: verdant bamboo forests, vigorous ancient trees, and birds flying in the sky. This place seems to be a paradise on earth, making people linger.

However, I still want to say to all scenic spots: Don’t destroy your golden signboard for the sake of the immediate benefits.

Once the reputation is damaged, it will be even more difficult to recover.

There is another important reason for recommending everyone to come to Heqiao Ancient Town-the most beautiful season in Hangzhou is coming.

After staying here for a few days, you may as well go to Hangzhou to feel the strong spring.

Once spring comes, Hangzhou becomes Lin’an

Spring is leisurely, only flowers are busy

The gentle spring breeze gently blows, awakening the tender green of the trees and urging countless buds to bloom.

The spring in Hangzhou is poetic and picturesque, permeating the streets and alleys, and every corner is full of vitality.

The spring in Hangzhou is unique and poetic. It seems that the misty Jiangnan water town in Tang poetry and Song lyrics is vividly displayed in front of us at this moment.

Beside the streets full of flowers, the rhythm of ancient and modern times is gently chanted, accompanied by the breeze, and the elegant atmosphere of literati and poets is floating.

At this moment, walking in the sea of ​​flowers, it seems to be in a beautiful painting, which makes people intoxicated and linger.

The scene of flowers and the poetic meaning of the gentle chanting make people feel the unique charm of Hangzhou’s spring, which makes people yearn for it and unforgettable.

Spring in Hangzhou

It is spring and scenery ten thousand times

If you ask where is the most lively place in Hangzhou, it is undoubtedly the Faxi Temple.

In the Faxi Temple, an ancient magnolia stands, more than twelve meters high, with a crown of seven and a half meters wide and a trunk of nearly one meter thick, which is spectacular.

The moss is covered with mottled mosses on the thick trunk, and the crown is as wide as a giant umbrella, stretching in the air, covering the entire courtyard, presenting a scene of flourishing flowers.

If you want to see the real appearance of “Monet’s Garden”, Prince Bay is a must-visit place.

The garden is full of green, trees are sprouting, willows are swaying, peach blossoms are scorching, new leaves are like poems, and it is full of vitality.

On both sides of the cherry blossom avenue, the pink and white petals dance lightly in the wind, paving a romantic cherry blossom tunnel, as if you are in a dreamland.

The path winds deep, and the tulips are even more stunning.

Tulips of various colors are blooming, red is warm, yellow is bright, purple is elegant, just like a colorful palette of the earth.

Maojiabu is the “secret garden” of Hangzhou in spring.

February orchids are like a dream, dotted or connected, like purple clouds gently spread on the green grass.

Cherry blossoms and crabapples are dotted in between, white as snow or pink as clouds, and set off against the clear water, like a dream.

Willow Waves and Orioles, as one of the ten scenic spots of West Lake, was once the imperial garden in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Willow branches are in rows, thousands of trees are hanging silk, yellow orioles are flying in between, singing, forming a unique charm of “Willow Waves and Orioles”.

In March, the green willows are like smoke, and thousands of willow silks are dancing in the wind, like rolling green waves and rippling blue waves.

Every spring, Baita Park is surrounded by pink.

The bright crabapple, the clouds of cherry blossoms, and the green grass interweave to form the most moving colors of this season.

Riding a green train through the cherry blossom rain makes people feel nostalgic, as if they were traveling back to the distant past.

Wuguitan is located west of Yanggong Dike and is connected to the waters of Yuhu Bay. Although its name is a bit vulgar, the scenery is not vulgar at all.

Every year in early and mid-March, the early cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the green of the lake is dotted with large areas of white, which contrasts with the pink sea of ​​flowers. The boats rippling in the quiet bay add a bit of the charm of a paradise.

At the end of March, the late cherry blossoms bloom, the pink romance is layered, and the lake and mountains are more beautiful.

The spring of Quyuan Fenghe is a moving picture.

The lake is rippling with blue waves, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds, green trees and red flowers.

The spring breeze blows on your face, and the fragrance of flowers is refreshing.

Under the cherry trees, petals are falling in all directions, the pink path leads to the distance, and the new green leaves and beautiful flowers add vitality.

In the Southern Song Dynasty, Su Causeway Spring Dawn was praised as the first of the ten scenic spots of West Lake, and was also called “Six Bridges Smoky Willows” in the Yuan Dynasty.

After the cold winter, Su Causeway comes like a messenger of spring, with willows on both sides of the bank, peach blossoms scorching, and the lake waves like a mirror, reflecting the beautiful figure, with infinite tenderness.

Whenever the spring breeze blows, willows are green, peach blossoms are in full bloom, the long causeway extends, and the six bridges rise and fall, the beautiful scenery is breathtaking.

Xixi Wetland is known as the “Paradise on Earth”. In spring, plum blossoms in the wetland are in full bloom, like a sea of ​​plum blossoms.

Where to find plum blossoms by the winding water, thousands of plum blossoms are colorful and fragrant. Walking among them is like being in a fairyland.

If you like rape flowers, Fuyang is a must-visit place.

Ten miles of Tongzhou and nine miles of flowers, a river of spring water and willows on both sides. In the rapeseed fields, golden and green interweave into a beautiful picture.

The spring breeze blows, golden waves surge, carrying the fragrance of grass and soil, and the warmth of spring blows on your face.

Spring is the beginning of the four seasons, full of hope and vitality. Our lives should also be full of vitality like spring. At this time, you might as well go out of the house, be in the beauty of nature, enjoy the flowers and feel the vitality of life.

After all, our lives should not be limited to the hustle and bustle of the city, but should embrace nature and enjoy the spring scenery ten thousand times.