Although the name is not public, the historical background is extremely profound. Chaoge of the Yin and Shang Dynasties is located in

Next Hegang?

Hebi, a city located in the northern part of Henan Province, has an unassuming name, but its historical heritage is extremely profound.

Although Hegang and Hegang both start with the word “Crane”, they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

When it comes to history, Hebi is not inferior to Xi’an or Luoyang.

The Chaoge of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty is located in this ancient land of Qixian County, and the entire “Book of Songs: Wei Feng” and some chapters of “The Book of Songs: Beifeng” and “The Book of Songs: Wind” were born here.

Qi River, this ancient river known as the “River of Chinese Poetry”, has flowed since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties and still nourishes the ancient city of Hebi.

With its profound historical accumulation, unique natural charm, and superior geographical location, Hebi should have been the focus of everyone’s attention.

However, why is it gradually fading from people’s sight?

Once upon a time, Hebi was also a beautiful place.

Similar to Hegang, it rose to prominence due to coal.

Coal mining began in Hebi as early as the Song Dynasty.

In 1957, Hebi was founded on coal. In just a few months, it set many records in China’s coal system. At that time, Hebi was really full of energy.

However, the good times did not last long.

With the gradual depletion of coal resources, Hebi has fallen into the dilemma of a resource-based city.

The industrial structure is single and development potential is insufficient. When coal resources are exhausted, the city’s advantages will disappear.

What’s more serious is that with the development of the mining area, Hebi’s environment has suffered serious damage.

The blue sky and white clouds of the past were shrouded in smog, the clear rivers were polluted by coal and turned into “black rivers”, and the entire city seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of dust.

Coal mining operations have resulted in large areas of underground goafing in the urban area, forming a large number of subsidence areas, forcing Hebi to move south.

After the relocation, Qibin District has become today’s “new district”, while Heshan District and Shancheng District, the former coal mining areas, are called “old districts”. It was the netizen who bought eight units for 100,000 yuan. property place.

The story of Hebi is full of historical vicissitudes and practical challenges.

But even so, this city is still telling its own story quietly, waiting for exploration and discovery by those who are destined to do so.

“8 suites for 100,000 yuan”

the story behind

Looking at the housing prices in Hebi, the data shows: 5,345 yuan/square meter, which is only the average value.

Among them, the difference between new areas and old areas is particularly significant.

In emerging urban areas, housing prices are still high, standing firmly above 7,000 yuan, no different from those in many prefecture-level cities.

However, when we walked into the old district, the price plummeted to around 1,600 yuan, as if we had returned to another era.

On a well-known online housing trading platform, I accidentally discovered that second-hand housing listings in Heshan District were surprisingly scarce, with only one unit for sale.

This residence has 3 bedrooms, 1 living room and 1 bathroom, with a total area of 76 square meters and a price tag of 130,000 yuan.

Although the price is attractive, it is still far from the rumored price of 2,000 yuan per apartment.

According to public reports, the man who bought the property for 2,000 yuan did not choose a regular commercial house, but the top floor of a two-story building.

The living conditions are poor, with no water, electricity or gas, and the roof often leaks.

He purchased the house not for living in it, but for use as a warehouse.

Some people may think that even if the house is dilapidated, the price is so low that it is not a loss to buy a few.

Local real estate agents also confirmed that many people have come to inquire.

However, many people come with high expectations but end up disappointed.

Because a “cabbage house” purchased at a low price may have to pay nearly 10,000 yuan in taxes and fees when registering real estate.

Today, the city’s development focus has shifted to new urban areas, where service facilities are complete and life is convenient.

However, the distance between the old and new urban areas is quite large.

Shancheng District is about 17 or 18 kilometers away from Xincheng District, and Heshan District, located in the northwest of Hebi, is even 30 kilometers away, which brings a lot of inconvenience to residents.

Walking into the old town of Hebi, you feel like you are in an “empty city”.

As businesses relocated, a large number of residents also chose to leave.

Young people are going out to work one after another, seeking better development opportunities.

Therefore, Hebi City is facing a serious brain drain problem.

According to the 2022 Hebi Yearbook, the permanent population of Heshan District and Shancheng District showed a continuous downward trend from 2010 to 2020.

Although the development of the old city is facing difficulties, the government has not given up.

Urban reconstruction has been ongoing, and Hebi City has made great efforts to restore blue skies and white clouds.

As of April 2023, the green space rate in built-up areas in Shancheng District has reached 43%, the per capita park green space area exceeds 15 square meters, and the urban road greening penetration rate has reached 100%.

The per capita park green space area in Heshan District reached 40.7 square meters in 2018.

Many locals say: “Develop the new city and support the elderly in the old city.”

Today, many elderly people live in the old city.

They don’t want to leave this familiar land because it holds countless beautiful memories for them.

In addition, the pace of life in the old city is leisurely and prices are low. For example, pork only costs 10 yuan per catty, sometimes even as low as 9 yuan; vegetables such as garlic sprouts and green peppers only cost more than 1 yuan per catty.

Although it is far away from the new city, there are many direct bus lines, and it only costs 2.5 yuan and can be reached in 40 minutes.

People living here live quite comfortably.

With a salary of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan, they chatted, danced, played chess with their neighbors… and enjoyed the tranquility and comfort.

For young people who work without geographical restrictions and engage in freelance work, buying a property here may be a good choice.

However, if you are buying a house for investment purposes, you need to consider it carefully.

After all, this place may not be suitable for working hard, but it is a rare paradise.

There is a beautiful city in the north

Hebi, this city, is like an exquisite painting, so beautiful that it is fascinating.

“The water in Qi is rippling, and the boat is filled with cypress trees and pine trees. I travel with words to write about my worries…”

The Book of Songs written more than 3,000 years ago dances with Hebi. Its 39 chapters all lovingly describe the customs, customs and beautiful scenery on both sides of the Qi River.

Although the wheels of history have left traces of darkness here, today’s Hebi, just like its name, exudes an otherworldly aura.

Qihe, the only unpolluted river in North China, is like a mirror, crystal clear, reflecting the surrounding green mountains and trees, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

The city of Hebi is named after the legend that “cranes live on the cliffs of Nanshan Mountain”. The city is dotted with scenic spots and historic sites, and the natural landscape is magnificent and unique.

Yunmeng Mountain in Qixian County is located along the Taihang Mountains, and is famous for its fairyland; Dalong Mountain in Junxian County, with its flat land and towering peaks, is famous for its ancient Buddha…

The mountains here are verdant, everything is full of vitality, and the momentum is as majestic as a rainbow.

Strolling through the streets and alleys of Hebi, you can see greenery everywhere.

Over the years, the air quality here has always been the best in the province. The air is filled with clarity and freshness rarely seen in the north, making it feel like you are in a small seaside town.

This city is also a pure land for the soul.

There is no hustle and bustle of business, no noise of busy traffic, the whole city is like a big garden, with dozens of parks scattered like pearls, where people can stop and rest at any time, feel the gentle breeze and soothe their tired body and mind.

Although Hebi is slightly larger than Shenzhen in area, it has a population of less than 1.6 million and has a leisurely pace of life.

Here, there is no morning and evening rush hour congestion, no hustle and bustle of traffic, and no need to worry about not being able to get on the bus.

In this city, the tranquility of the years is deeply engraved on every inch of the land.

Even if you don’t plan to buy a house here, please give yourself a chance to come to Hebi and take a look.

It may not be the most perfect utopia in your mind, but it will definitely bring you a quiet and comfortable vacation, allowing your soul to get a moment of rest and relaxation.