The only country in China that can be reached by high-speed rail

If we want to mention countries that have attracted much attention recently, Laos is undoubtedly the leader.

Not long ago, the program team of “Flowers and Friends”, which is loved by the audience, set foot on the mysterious land of Laos for recording.

As we all know, the recording location of “Flowers and Boys” always becomes a popular choice in the tourism industry. So, why is this small country that is rarely mentioned so lucky to be selected by the program crew?

In the Reuters of the show, a surprising discovery was that the members of the Hua Shao Tuan did not go to Laos by plane, but chose the high-speed rail, a convenient mode of transportation.

This choice undoubtedly made many viewers curious: Have we entered the era of high-speed rail cross-border travel?

The answer is exactly that.

Countries you can go to by high-speed rail

This international high-speed railway has gone through a wonderful time since it was opened to traffic.

As the first high-speed rail line between Southwest China and Southeast Asia, it spans a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers, starting from Kunming Station in Yunnan, galloping all the way, and finally arriving in Vientiane, the capital of Laos.

During the journey, it passed through Yuxi City, Pu’er City, Xishuangbanna in Yunnan, crossed the border between China and Laos, arrived at Luang Prabang, the tourist pearl of Laos, and then continued all the way to Vientiane.

For China, this is not only a high-speed rail line, but also a milestone in the first transnational high-speed rail. It ends the history of tourist cities such as Xishuangbanna not being connected to high-speed rail, and shortens the journey from Kunming to Xishuangbanna to just three hours.

For Laos, this is the grand opening of its first high-speed railway. It carries the important task of economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries and has far-reaching significance.

Even the costumes of the conductors are full of strong ethnic customs, and the decoration in the carriages cleverly incorporates the characteristics of regional culture.

If you have the opportunity, you may wish to experience it yourself and feel the unique charm brought by this international high-speed rail.

Laos, Laos

Among the many countries in Southeast Asia, Laos is like a gem untouched by the hustle and bustle of the world, quietly guarding its original culture and natural scenery.

Here, the ancient Buddhist culture and the rich ethnic atmosphere are intertwined, leading every visitor’s soul to profound tranquility.

Laos, this mysterious country, although located in Southeast Asia, is uniquely the only “landlocked country” in this region.

Closely surrounded by Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar, although Laos does not have the waves of the blue sea, its unique charm and beautiful scenery make people linger and unforgettable once they visit.

Although the land area of Laos is similar to our Guangxi Province, due to its relatively small size, it is often forgotten in the corner of the world.

However, it is this forgetfulness that allows Laos to maintain its original purity and tranquility, free from external disturbances.

When you set foot on the land of Laos, you will feel an unprecedented sense of leisure and freedom.

There is a lazy atmosphere in the streets and alleys. There is no hustle and bustle of feasting, no bustling crowds, and no row upon row of tall buildings.

People here live leisurely and unhurriedly, as if time has slowed down here. Laos truly embodies the philosophy of “slow life”.


The shining pearl of Southeast Asia – Luang Prabang.

When mentioning Luang Prabang, the first thing that comes to many people’s minds may be the romantic scenes in the movie “Falling in Love with Luang Prabang”.

This old royal city of Laos, listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is undoubtedly a place that brings together countless beautiful words – simple and beautiful, romantic and charming, quiet and calm, lazy and comfortable.

However, no amount of rhetoric can compare to the shock and emotion that comes from your heart when you are there.

Walking around the old town of Luang Prabang is like being in a moving picture. A small urban area can be measured with footsteps.

At the corner, I came across a French open-air cafe, and it felt like I was transported to the streets of Paris in an instant. Colorful French-style buildings complement the ancient streets.

Walking along the Mekong River, you will encounter a park where people are playing guitar, fishing, and meditating. Everything seems so harmonious and peaceful.

In the evening, a grand sunset feast was even more ecstatic, with applause and cheers coming and going.

Phousi Hill, the landmark of Luang Prabang, provides you with an excellent perspective overlooking the entire ancient city.

The Puxi Mountain under the sunset is even more beautiful and is known as “one of the eight sunsets in Asia”.

When the sun sets slowly, the entire sky is dyed with gold, red and purple, like a flowing oil painting, which is intoxicating.

Xiang Thong Temple is the most magnificent temple in Luang Prabang.

Inside the temple, eight thick pillars are decorated with gold-carved patterns that shine brightly.

The gleaming golden Buddha statue and the halo-covered roof make people awe-inspiring.

The back wall outside the temple is inlaid with lifelike tree patterns, which complement the adjacent red church.

The unique Buddha statue reflects the characteristics of Laos culture. The robe rolled up to the ankles, the head supported by the hands, and the graceful posture of the Buddha statue make people linger.

In Laos, giving is a unique sight.

Every morning, the monks go out of the temple to beg for alms, and the benefactors donate their food, money and other items to the monks.

This simple ceremony not only embodies the compassionate spirit of Buddhism, but also demonstrates the Lao people’s devout belief in Buddhism.

At the same time, giving is also a two-way interaction of goodwill. The monks will donate the food they receive to those in need, allowing love to be passed between people.

If you are lucky enough to witness this, please be quiet and respectful.

Stand in the middle of the road and use your camera to record this sacred and solemn moment, but please remember not to use flash or make loud noises to avoid disturbing the ongoing ceremony.

Let us feel this shock and touch from the soul together!


Wanrong, known as “Little Guilin”, is a paradise on earth.

The mountain peaks here are tall and straight, like a creation created by heaven, while the water in the stream is as clear and transparent as a mirror hanging high in the sky, so clear that its shape is difficult to grasp.

The winding and deep path leads to the cave, and the jagged rocks make it even more mysterious. At the foot of the mountain, deep in the jungle, and beside the stream, moss-covered wooden houses are dotted here and there, like a beautiful picture.

Although Wanrong is small, it has a unique flavor.

There are two roads to the east and west and one street to the north and south, but they are enough to make people linger. While strolling, I came to the bank of Nansong River without realizing it.

A narrow wooden bridge lies leisurely across the river, and motorcycles fly across the bridge, causing ripples.

In the small huts on both sides of the strait, people are lying on hammocks and reading leisurely, or closing their eyes and enjoying the sunshine. Others are practicing yoga attentively, forming a harmonious and peaceful picture.

Here, it seems to be a true portrayal of “Xanadu”.

“Traffic on the streets, chickens and dogs hearing each other, people coming and going for crops, men and women dressed like outsiders.” It is the tranquility and harmony in this land that is depicted.

In the evening, the setting sun slowly sinks in the mountains, shining the last ray of sunshine on the earth, turning passion into tenderness, which is intoxicating.

The Blue Lagoon is also a beautiful sight not to be missed.

The lake water is cool and clear, blending in with the surrounding natural environment. The mysterious caves add to the original ecological charm here.

Many locals and adventure enthusiasts like to spend summers here and feel the coolness and tranquility of nature.


Vientiane, as the capital of Laos, is often jokingly called “the capital that least resembles a capital”.

It does not have towering buildings. Instead, it is surrounded by lush plants, like a quiet town. From a bird’s eye view, the entire city looks like a crescent moon, quiet and elegant.

Vientiane is a pure land that washes away the glitz, allowing laziness to become an attitude towards life, a place worthy of people’s heartfelt feelings and tastes.

On this land, the Arc de Triomphe stands and becomes a landmark in everything. It is located in the city center and complements the Prime Minister’s Office and the President’s Office.

This magnificent building was originally built as a monument to commemorate the heroic victims of the war.

During the liberation in 1975, the victory parade of the people of Vientiane City passed through here. Therefore, it was also given the reputation of “Triumph Arch”.

The arch base of the Arc de Triomphe is carved with the classic patterns of Laotian temples. The colors of Buddhism and the charm of national culture are intertwined, showing the rich artistic heritage of Laos.

Standing on the top floor, you can have a panoramic view of everything, as if a beautiful picture is slowly unfolding in front of your eyes.

In Laos, there is another holy place that cannot be missed – That Luang Temple.

This ancient pagoda is the source of faith for the Lao people.

The tower is golden and shines in the sunlight.

That Luang Temple is not only a holy place that stores the ashes of kings of the past dynasties, but also the hair and sternum of Buddha Sakyamuni. Its long history and respected status are evident.

Whenever the That Luang Festival comes, a grand ceremony of holding candles around the pagoda will be held in the temple. People in Laos come to circle the pagoda three times at night, listen to the chanting of monks, and pray for their families.

At this moment, the power of faith allows people to purify their souls and feel the tranquility and beauty of life.

In addition to That Luang Temple, Xiang Khun Temple is also a unique landscape in Laos.

This Buddha statue park that combines yoga shapes recreates the scenes of heaven and hell in one tower, making people feel like they are in a mysterious time and space tunnel.

Here, you can see more than 200 statues of various shapes, which combine Hindu and Buddhist design concepts to form a unique world of Buddha statues.

Laos, a country deeply imprinted with the word “Buddha”, has a unique rhythm of life.

Here, people take sunrise and sunset as the benchmark of life and enjoy a leisurely life every day. In the early morning, the sun shines all over the earth, and people start a new day bathing in the warm sunshine;

In the afternoon, when the heat wave is rolling, people look for a cool place to rest, or drink tea and chat with friends; at night, faith and tranquility are intertwined, and people feel the true meaning of life in the chanting of That Luang Temple.

Laos may not be prosperous, but it can make you feel the purity and beauty of life. If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, you might as well come to Laos for a walk and feel the tranquility and harmony of this land.