Another 5A scenic spot in China is “cold” and once had tens of millions of tourists! Nowadays, debts are facing bankruptcy. Have you been there?

In recent years, the tourism industry has been booming, and scenic spots have sprung up all over the country. However, in this craze, there are also some scenic spots that once had infinite scenery, gradually fading out of people’s sight and going silent.
In this ancient and fertile land of Hebei, Yesanpo Scenic Area was once a shining pearl.
It used to be a tourist attraction that people flocked to, and the entrance fee of 100 yuan could not stop the enthusiasm of tourists.
However, now it is heavily in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy, which makes people lament the ruthlessness of time.
Yesanpo, this treasure of natural beauty, has unique natural scenery.
The Taihang Mountains run thousands of miles south along the borders of Hebei, Shanxi and Henan, and are majestic; the majestic Yanshan Mountains run eastward from here along the borders of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and are majestic and majestic.
Here, there is the scenery of Juma River that resembles the landscape of Guilin, the wonders of the canyon are like miraculous craftsmanship, the caves are deep and strange, the strange springs are mysterious and strange, and Jinhua Mountain is full of mysteries. The forest beside the white grass blocks the sun, the Great Wall towers tall, and the cliff stone carvings are vigorous and powerful. Ancient plank roads and temples tell a long history.
The fossils of ancient Homo sapiens and the Pingxi Anti-Japanese Martyrs Cemetery bear witness to the vicissitudes and glory of this land.
The scenic spot is beautiful all year round, with brilliant mountain flowers in spring, cool and pleasant summer, with an average temperature of 22°C, making it a summer resort; fragrant mountain fruits in autumn, high skies and crisp air; and white snow and white snow in winter.
Whenever you come to Yesanpo, you can feel the uncanny craftsmanship and endless charm of nature.

Why go into debt?

However, why is such a beautiful place so burdened with debt? The reason for this is depressing.
In 2012, Yesanpo suffered a once-in-a-century flood, and the once prosperous scenic spot instantly fell into the shadow of the setting sun.
After the flood, the scenery and facilities were severely damaged, and the repair work took a lot of manpower and material resources, and it took several months to reopen.
However, with the increasing development of Yesanpo, some problems have gradually surfaced.
Scenic spots pay too much attention to the development of scenic spots, but neglect to improve service quality, resulting in poor tourist experience. Many tourists only come once and then stop visiting again.
At the same time, the scenic spot management began to transform Yesanpo into a modern scenic spot, over-building various facilities, seriously destroying the harmony and perfection of the original natural scenery.
At a time when word-of-mouth and popularity were declining rapidly, it was also hit by the epidemic. This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury, causing Yesanpo Scenic Area, which was already financially tight, to suffer a heavy blow.
Without tourists, the scenic spot loses its source of income, and ultimately has no choice but to “corporate restructuring and development.”
However, in this crisis, Yesanpo also gained a bit of peace. Although the number of passengers in Yesanpo today is not as big as before, it has also restored its former tranquility and peace.
Walking in the deep canyon, the scenery in front of you is still fascinating. Among the green mountains and green waters, it seems that we have traveled through hundreds of millions of years and headed towards a paradise.
Therefore, if you have the opportunity, you might as well come to Yesanpo to take a look. Here, you can feel the magnificence and mystery of nature, and also appreciate the richness of history and culture.
Although it has experienced ups and downs, it still exudes unique charm, waiting for your arrival.

Baoding, Baoding

When visiting Yesanpo, how can you miss the city where it is located – Baoding!
When you set foot on this land, you feel as if you have entered a long and thick historical scroll, with every brick and tile telling the glory of the past.
Baoding, this famous cultural city with a history of thousands of years, is like a bright pearl, shining brightly in the chest of Yanzhao.
Her veins are filled with ancient customs and customs, making people linger in the long river of time.
Strolling through the streets of Baoding, you feel like you can travel through time and space and touch those long-gone historical moments.
The capital of Zhao State during the Warring States Period and the Zhili Governor-General’s Office in the Qing Dynasty all left their mark here.
These historical marks seem to take us back to that turbulent era, which makes people feel awe.
In addition to its rich history, Baoding’s natural scenery is also intoxicating.
The majestic Taihang Mountains lie across the north of the city, with majestic peaks and mountains.
The rippling blue waves of Baiyangdian have a different style. The water, sky, and swaying reeds form a beautiful picture.
Baishi Mountain, this strange peak located at the northernmost tip of the Taihang Mountains, is even more breathtaking. More than a hundred peaks are scattered in height and are relatively independent, as if they are the miraculous work of nature.
The beautiful scenery of “white rocks and clear clouds” is even more unforgettable. Whenever summer comes, clouds and mist linger in the mountains, like a fairyland.
Of course, there are more beautiful places in Baoding waiting for us to explore.
The simplicity and solemnity of the Zhili Governor’s Office,
The majesty of Daci Pavilion,
The solemnity of the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty,
The tranquility and simplicity of Taihang Water Town makes people yearn for it everywhere.
In Baoding, in addition to beautiful scenery, there is also delicious food.
The beef patties are tender and delicious, and the donkey meat is crispy and delicious when grilled. They are all unique flavors of Baoding.
These delicacies not only satisfy the taste buds, but also carry the cultural heritage of the city.
Therefore, when you come to visit Yesanpo, you might as well go to Baoding first and take a look.
Here, you can feel the rich history, appreciate the natural scenery, and taste authentic food.
I believe this trip will definitely become an unforgettable memory in your heart.