The ultra-low-key “fairy” country, travel through the fairy tale world in one second

When it comes to outbound travel, with the economy booming, Luisito is flooded with inquiries from backstage. When asked where to recommend an outbound travel destination, the answer is already clear.

Over the years, niche travel destinations have become as bright as the stars and have gradually become the new favorites of travelers.

Compared with those popular countries, when people choose travel destinations, they pay more attention to the all-round cost-effectiveness, the perfect fusion of historical richness without losing the modern style.

Today, the land Luisito wants to recommend is undoubtedly a shining pearl that is both ancient and new. It is Uzbekistan, which is not far from China.

Here, there is both historical accumulation and emerging charm, waiting for us to explore and experience.

A country from a fairy tale

Walking in here is like opening a heavy epic book, with every page exuding a strong cultural atmosphere.

This masterpiece is a long historical volume. In this land with profound cultural heritage, the splendid civilization of the Silk Road shines like starlight, making people feel like they have traveled back to the distant ancient times.

The surroundings are filled with charming exotic customs, as if you are in a mysterious and ancient dream.

It is another collection of fairy tales full of fantasy. This is the hometown of Afanti, a mysterious ancient country in fables and fairy tales.

Every scenery is like a fairy tale world from One Thousand and One Nights, making people linger and indulge in it.

In addition, this masterpiece is also a beautiful picture scroll.

From the vast desert to the green oasis city, from the ancient canal to the prosperous farm, whether it is the warm desert style or the quiet pastoral scenery, you can find their shadow here.

In the minds of many people, although this mysterious country has not yet become a popular tourist destination, its charm can no longer be hidden.

As early as 2019, Uzbekistan won the second place as the best travel destination in Asia with its unique charm.

What’s more, it also has many advantages such as visa exemption, high safety factor, and low prices.

It integrates history, culture, natural scenery, and cultural landscape. It is a rare and good place for history lovers, natural scenery pursuers, and cultural explorers.

Uzbekistan, such a charming country, is really worth visiting and feeling its unique charm and customs.


Tashkent, once the fourth largest city in the Soviet Union, was like a bright pearl embedded in those glorious years.

However, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Tashkent rose from the ashes like a phoenix and was reborn as the capital of Uzbekistan, carrying new dreams and glory.

Perhaps, on Uzbekistan’s tourism map, Tashkent is not a place where every tourist will stop.

But if you explore deeply, you will find that there are countless traces of the Soviet era hidden in the city’s landscape, as if time has frozen here, leaving behind scenes of historical scenes.

Amy Timur Square, known as the “Revolution Square”, is the heart of Tashkent. From here, the development of the entire city stretches like a river.

In the center of the square, the statue of Timur stands majestically. National elements and modern architectural techniques are intertwined to form a unique landscape painting that makes people forget to leave.

The Tashkent TV Tower, formerly known as the “Lighthouse of Asia”, is 375 meters high and is the second tallest architectural wonder in Central Asia.

Climbing to the top, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Tashkent, which is refreshing and refreshing.

Of course, there is also a check-in holy place that cannot be missed – the “Central Asia Pilaf Center”, so that the taste buds can also appreciate the unique charm of this city.

Tashkent Independence Square, this square is not only a landmark that locals are proud of, but also a symbol of freedom and independence.

It has witnessed many important historical moments, and like a historical witness, it silently records the vicissitudes of the city.

Finally, let’s go to the Dome Bazaar, a sea of exotic places to swim in. The unique charm of this old city is vividly demonstrated here.

As the most famous farmer’s market in Tashkent, the Dome Market is the best place to experience city life.

Whether you are savoring local delicacies or selecting special handicrafts, we can meet your needs here, allowing you to fully appreciate the unique style of Tashkent while shopping and shopping.


Samarkand, one of the oldest cities in Central Asia, has a rich history that can be traced back to the 5th century BC.

It is like a heavy epic, engraved with the glorious chapter of Central Asian civilization.

Walking along the Silk Road in Samarkand is like being in a glorious historical picture.

This four-kilometer-long landscape avenue has witnessed 2,500 years of vicissitudes, and every brick and tile tells the glory of the past.

Registan Square is known as “the most noble public square in the world.”

When you step into this square, you feel as if you have traveled through a tunnel of time and space and returned to the prosperous days of the Middle Ages.

Three seminaries stand here, representing different historical periods respectively. They are distributed in the shape of “pin”, reflecting each other, and together constitute the magnificent scene of the square.

The giant arches, towering minarets, dark blue domes and dense wall patterns in the square all highlight the beauty of medieval architecture.

Standing in the center of the square, you will be deeply attracted by the exotic customs in front of you. The rich Islamic cultural color seems to bring you into a dreamlike world.

As night falls, a stunning light show is staged in the square. The ancient buildings and modern lights complement each other, injecting new vitality into this thousand-year-old city.

You feel like you are in the dream kingdom of One Thousand and One Nights, feeling the mystery and romance.

The Bibi Khanem Mosque is known as “the most majestic building in the East”.

The 38-meter-high gate and 41-meter dome all highlight its luxury and magnificence.

In the sunlight, the dark blue dome shimmers like a reflection of the sea.

However, this mosque also experienced the baptism of a major earthquake, but even so, it still stands, showing its former glory.

The Mausoleum of Gul Emir, as one of the most gorgeous mausoleums in Uzbekistan, also carries a rich history.

There are symbolic sarcophagi and coffins placed in the mourning hall inside the mausoleum, while the actual coffins containing the remains are buried deep underground.

The most eye-catching thing is the dark green jade tomb built for Timur by his grandson Ulugh Beg, on which is engraved the warning “Disturbing my rest will make the world tremble.”

Finally, let us come to the Mausoleum of Shah Jinda, known as the “Eternal King”, which was built in the 14th and 15th centuries.

It consists of 13 mausoleums and a mosque. It is the resting place of the rulers of Samarkand and their families.

The azure and milky white patterns on the mausoleum are intertwined. Although it is a mausoleum, it exudes a gorgeous and romantic atmosphere.

Every corner of Samarkand is filled with strong historical atmosphere and cultural heritage. This is not only a symbol of a city, but also a treasure of Central Asian civilization.

Whether you are strolling on the ancient streets or immersed in the exotic customs, you can deeply feel the unique charm of this city.


Some people say that this land is the birthplace of the fantastic One Thousand and One Nights fairy tale, and every brick and tile seems to tell an ancient story.

Bukhara, this ancient city, can be said to be a shining pearl of Uzbekistan.

After more than two thousand years of vicissitudes, it has almost perfectly preserved its medieval style, as if time has stopped here, allowing people to “reproduce” all the fantastic imaginations on the Silk Road.

Chateau Jacques, an ancient building that has experienced thousands of years of wind and rain, seems to be able to travel through the tunnel of time and return to the distant past at a glance.

It was once the castle and residence of the Bukhara rulers and their relatives. Built in the 1st century BC, it is a shining symbol of Bukhara’s medieval civilization.

The oldest building in Bukhara, its brickwork is unique and exquisite.

From the outside, it is as solid as a rock, giving people a feeling of indestructibility; while inside, the large white walls and wooden beams create a unique kind of broken beauty that is breathtaking.

The Karon Minaret, this awe-inspiring structure, said to have been built in 1127, is one of the tallest and most famous buildings in Braha.

Legend has it that Genghis Khan’s iron hooves once set foot here, but the 47-meter-high Kharon Minaret left him in awe, and finally spared the city from the massacre.

Today, standing under the Karon Minaret and looking up at its majestic figure, I feel even more magnificent and extraordinary.

Its appearance is even more stunning than its height. The bare bricks are inlaid with a glazed blue mosaic, and there are 14 decorative ribbons distributed from top to bottom. Each one is unique, with complex and exquisite patterns.

At night, when the lights are on, it is even more breathtakingly gorgeous.

Charmina, this building known as “the most unusual monument in the world”, is a must-visit place for every tourist who comes to Uzbekistan.

It has even appeared on the cover of Lonely Planet and has become a bright business card of this land.

Standing in front of Charmina, you can feel the profound historical and cultural heritage it carries, which makes people feel awe and yearning.


“I would pour out a bag of gold just to get a glimpse of Sivana.”

Khiva, this unique historical monument, stands quietly on the land of Central Asia. It treasures the traces of time, the wonders of the ancient monuments, the gorgeous palaces, and the residences full of ethnic characteristics.

It is not only the pride of Central Asia, but also the first world cultural heritage recognized by the United Nations.

Ikankara, this world cultural heritage place, is worthy of our stop and appreciation.

Within the ancient city walls, there are arches and numerous historical relics, each telling the past of this land.

Time passes here, and stories leave deep imprints on every brick and tile, as if you can hear the echo of history.

The market in Khiva is like a maze, with winding lanes and a dazzling array of products, all revealing the mystery and charm of centuries ago.

Walking there, you feel like you can travel through time and space and return to that ancient and prosperous era.

Some people say that the main colors of Khiva are dim yellow and blue, but the colors of Uzbekistan are far richer and more colorful than this.

In this land, every color represents a culture, a history, and an emotion.

Here, time seems to have frozen. It never speaks, but answers every question in its unique way.

If you are willing to believe in the power of travel, then come to Uzbekistan and let the beauty and mystery of this land help you solve the mysteries about history, culture, and life.