The only place in China that has been closed for 1,000 years. No one is allowed to enter. It is breathtakingly beautiful.

In the past, Luisito has unveiled the mysteries of many forbidden places to us, and today, I will lead you into an even more mysterious place, which was once a place that no one has set foot on for thousands of years.

Since the beginning of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, this place has been strictly blocked by the feudal dynasty. Once anyone enters without authorization, they will be severely punished. It was not until the New Deal in the late Qing Dynasty that this ban was relaxed.

Ordinary forbidden areas are closed for only a few months or a few years, either for repairs or protection, but this mountain has been isolated from the world for thousands of years.

This once “human forbidden area” was the Tongbo Mountain hidden in Shangrao, Jiangxi.

When talking about the reason for the closure of the mountain, we have to mention a legend that has been passed down through the ages.

Tongbo Mountain is located at the intersection of the three provinces of Jiangxi, Fujian and Zhejiang, and its geographical location is extremely sensitive.

In the past, Huang Chao led an army from Shandong to Jiangxi and conquered fifteen states, shocking the Tang Dynasty.

When the army arrived at Tongbo Mountain, Huang Chao was filled with indignation when he heard that the local magistrate was robbing civilian girls, so he came to the rescue and rescued the daughter of Ye’s hunter in the mountain.

In order to repay this favor, Ye’s Orion relied on his familiarity with the mountains to help Huang Chao’s army hide in the depths of Tongbo Mountain.

Tongbo Mountain has high mountains and dense forests, and the terrain is complex, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack. The imperial court failed several times to encircle and suppress the mountain, and finally had no choice but to order the mountain to be closed. At the foot of the mountain, a stone was set up as a boundary, with an inscription on it: Those who trespass will be executed immediately.

Since then, in order to prevent others from imitating Huang Chao, the mountain has been banned since the Tang Dynasty. It was not until the fall of the Qing Dynasty that Tongbo Mountain was able to see the light of day again.

For thousands of years, this place has been inaccessible, like a paradise.

Looking at it today, this thousand-year ban may be a blessing to Tongbo Mountain.

No one has set foot there, so there is no damage. The most primitive natural features are preserved here, with fresh air and water as clear as a mirror.

Although it is not a famous mountain, its unique “wild” nature has attracted countless tourists to explore its secrets.

The mountains and rivers are intertwined and the countryside is picturesque. This is the most poetic and picturesque place in China, which makes people linger and yearn for it.

Every tourist who sets foot here is amazed: It turns out that Shangrao hides so many unique beautiful scenery.

It not only has beautiful scenery, but also has pastoral charm. It is indeed a heart-stirring tourist attraction.

Come to Shangrao and encounter a beautiful event

· Jiangling

In the picture of my soul, the face of Wuyuan in spring is the elegant and refined appearance of Jiangling.

Whenever the spring breeze blows, this place turns into a golden ocean, quiet and peaceful.

The road in Jiangling is like a ribbon winding through the mountains. From a bird’s eye view, the terraces are stacked on top of each other with soft lines. Together with the streams, villages in the valley and the surrounding green mountains, they outline a beautiful pastoral scenery.

At the foot, the valley is vast and the sea of rapeseed flowers is endless. Huizhou folk houses with black tiles and white walls are dotted among them, like bright pearls embedded in this golden land.

Being among these thousands of acres of terraced fields, the experience is even more unique. Everything you can see is golden, some are as bright as the moon, and some are faintly green, as if the whole world is surrounded by this warm color.

· Huangling

Huangling, where the way of enjoying the autumn sun has been passed down from generation to generation, complements the blue sky and white clouds, the white walls and black tiles, the bougainvillea and wild flowers all over the mountains and plains, and is dotted with sparse red maples and persimmon trees, making it a unique scene that attracts countless tourists.

However, what few people know is that the spring scenery in Huangling has been overlooked under the brilliance of autumn.

On thousands of acres of terraced fields, the golden rapeseed flowers complement each other with the distant mountains, near water, pink walls and black tiles, forming a beautiful and picturesque picture.

This ancient village, hanging on the cliff, has gone through vicissitudes of life, but it is reborn in the spring scenery year after year, and retains its simple charm in the harvest season year after year.

· Sixi Yancun

Sixi Yancun, consisting of two villages, Sixi and Yancun, was once a gathering place for Huizhou merchants in history. It still retains many commercial houses and is known as the “Qing Dynasty commercial house group”.

When you come here, you can not only appreciate the beautiful flowers, but also feel the rich history and stories carried by each building.

If you want to appreciate the scenery, it is recommended to watch from a distance.

Idyllic cottages, surrounded by mountains and rivers, old trees and vines, the villages are integrated with the beautiful water and green mountains, and the rich rural atmosphere is felt.

· Yaowan

Compared with other well-known villages in Shangrao, Yaowan may not be well-known, and it can even be said that it has no distinctive characteristics.

However, it is this plainness and tranquility that has become its greatest charm, attracting people who yearn for a peaceful rural life.

There are few tourists, so the place always maintains a leisurely pace.

The village is surrounded by a field of rapeseed flowers. When you walk into the village, you will find a brewery, specialty handicrafts, snacks, private schools, etc., which gives people a sense of peace and tranquility, and makes people feel like water without knowing it.

· Likeng

Likeng is a peaceful place that meets most people’s expectations for an ancient town and village.

Two mountain streams outside the village converge to form a small river that passes through the village. The Hui-style houses built along the water on both sides of the river complement each other’s unique stone arch bridges and wooden bridges. The scenery of the mountains and water blends with the ancient houses, forming a A peaceful and harmonious picture of “small bridges and flowing water with people’s houses”.

Going deep into it, you can see that there are flowers placed in front of every house, and everyone is feeling the beauty of spring with their heart.

When I was tired from walking, I found a teahouse to sit down, sip tea, chat, and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the misty rainy south of the Yangtze River.

· Xiaoqi

Xiaoqi is actually the collective name of the two villages Shangxiaoqi and Xiaxiaoqi. Because the two villages are connected by an ancient Huihang Road, they are classified as a scenic spot.

Compared with the Tiyun family in Huangling, this place has more of the life of the aborigines, and is filled with the original Hui style village style.

By the river, some people were washing clothes, some were washing vegetables, and children were playing, and a vivid rural picture unfolded in front of them.

This kind of rural scenery may not be gorgeous, but walking through the alleys protected by horse head walls, you can deeply feel the original beauty and simple style of this village.

Walking among the villages in Shangrao, you will find that although each village looks similar, it has its own unique charm if you taste it carefully.

When you are in it, you feel like you can hear the breathing of history and feel the traces of time.

Come to Shangrao and enjoy the rolling mountains and rivers

· Moon Bay

Moon Bay lies quietly between mountains and rivers. The water is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the purity of the sky.

A bay of lake water is like a crescent moon, lying quietly among the rippling blue waves. Small islands are dotted in it. The emerald green lake water flows slowly, telling the tranquility of the years.

The morning mist is shrouded, and the mountains are undulating, revealing mystery and magnificence in the haze. At the foot of the mountain, the ancient village with black tiles and white walls is looming, showing a simple and peaceful beauty in the smoke.

Occasionally, one or two small boats paddle lightly across the water, making ripples, just like an eighteen-year-old girl, no need to put on makeup, she is already stunning the time.

· Poyang Lake

Poyang Lake, spanning the three cities of Jiujiang, Nanchang, and Shangrao, is the largest freshwater lake in China, and its vastness ranks second only to Qinghai Lake.

This lake has maintained its original splendor because it has not been over-exploited. It is surging and vast, with water and sky connecting it, like a magnificent picture.

Migratory birds love this place and come in droves to build the largest bird sanctuary in the world, adding endless vitality and vitality to Poyang Lake.

· Sanqing Mountain

Sanqing Mountain is hailed as one of the “Five Most Beautiful Peaks in China” by “China National Geographic” magazine.

It is named because the three peaks of Yujing, Yuxu and Yuhua look like the three Taoist gods of Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing sitting on the top of the mountain. They are full of mystery and solemnity.

Chinese and American geologists are full of praise for it, calling it “the most beautiful granite on the edge of the Western Pacific.”

Sanqing Mountain is often shrouded in clouds and mist. From the bottom of the mountain to the mountain, it seems to have experienced a wonderful change from clear skies to misty rain. The fairy spirit is overflowing, making people feel like they are in a fairyland. They understand why the ancients chose to refine elixirs here. .

· Lingshan

Lingshan is known as the “Ocean of Stones”. Walking into it feels like traveling through time and space and returning to the underwater world thousands of years ago.

All kinds of strange stones are of different shapes, beautiful and breathtaking. At the northern foot of Lingshan Mountain, there is a scenic spot costing 2.6 billion to build – Wangxian Valley.

Here, there are dozens of B&Bs hanging on the cliff more than 110 meters high. People can taste delicious food in the cliff restaurant, read quietly in the sky library, and get close to nature on the hundreds of meters long plank road and feel the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. .

As night falls, the lights in the col gradually light up, and the stars are dotted, complementing the arch bridge in the stream and the reflection of the moon, creating a dreamlike picture.

If adhering to the original intention can be applied to a city, then Shangrao is such a place.

This place is well-known, but its beauty is low-key and unobtrusive. It relies on its inner beauty to penetrate into everyone’s heart bit by bit, making people fall in love with it and miss it.