Suddenly, I want to go to Changsha!

The happiest city in China

Last year, the much-anticipated selection of “The Happiest City in China” was finally announced. Changsha, this splendid city, once again topped the list without any suspense. This is the sixteenth time that it has won this glorious crown.

So, how happy is Changsha?

Changsha is known as the “famous city of Chu and Han” and “the hometown of Qu Jia”. It is a city with profound cultural heritage.

Its cultural heritage is as long as a river, and its tourism resources are even more colorful. It is like a magnificent picture slowly unfolding in front of the world.

In this city, tradition and modernity intertwine, elegance and fashion dance together, and every corner exudes charm.

Some people say, does Changsha need to say more?

Yes, for many people, this city has become extremely familiar.

Tea Yan Yuese and Hunan Satellite TV, these distinctive “internet celebrity elements” gather here and become the iconic symbols of Changsha.

However, the excitement of Changsha goes far beyond that.

She is a city full of vitality and innovative spirit, constantly attracting tourists and dream-seekers from all directions.

In this city, you can feel the strong cultural atmosphere, taste authentic delicacies, appreciate the charming natural scenery, and experience the unique joy and happiness.

Changsha, this charming city, is waiting for your exploration and discovery.


Go north of Xiangjiang River, head to Orange Island

Looking from the distance of Juzi Island, which lies quietly in the middle of the Xiangjiang River, you can see row upon row of high-rise buildings, busy streets, and bustling scenes on both sides of the river.

Changsha, bordered by the majestic Hengyue Mountain in the south and the vastness of Dongting in the north, is located in the hinterland of Central China, guarding the key points between the north and the south.

In the modern history of China, the Huxiang spirit of worrying about the world and daring to be the first shines brightly again, reminding people of the grace of those great people who were high-spirited and inspired with words in this hot land.

Orange Island, the first stop in Changsha in the hearts of many people, is like a bright pearl, quietly embedded in the Xiangjiang River.

It complements the surrounding mountains and rivers, and together they draw a dreamlike picture.

As night falls, the lights of Orange Island dim, like stars falling from the sky, lighting up the night of this land.

The dreamlike light and shadow make people linger and indulge in it.

The Xiangjiang River, the mother river of Hunan, is also the soul of Changsha. She has witnessed the vicissitudes of history and carries people’s hopes and dreams.

The Xiangjiang River at night is even more poetic.

The moonlight shines softly on the river, sparkling like a silver ribbon. The lights on the riverside are reflected in the water and complement each other with the stars in the sky, which is so beautiful.

While strolling along the Xiangjiang River, you might as well visit the simple and elegant Du Fu Jiang Pavilion.

It faces Orange Island and Yuelu Mountain across the river, quietly telling stories of thousands of years.

Standing on Jiangge, it seems that you can travel through time and space, return to the distant Tang Dynasty, and feel the simplicity and tranquility.

Yuelu Mountain, a famous mountain that has been associated with Changsha City for thousands of years, is also a tourist attraction not to be missed.

The Xiangjiang River divides it into two parts of the city. Orange Island lies quietly in the middle of the river, quiet and natural.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking the surrounding area, the Xiangjiang River is like a belt, and you can have a panoramic view of Changsha.

Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the tranquility and beauty here make people feel relaxed and happy, as if they are in a fairyland on earth.

Yuelu Academy, a famous institution with a history of thousands of years, is one of the four major academies in Chinese history.

It is a spiritual palace that has given birth to generations of great scholars and thinkers, inheriting thousands of years of wisdom and light.

The four characters “Millennium School” inscribed by Ouyang Xun hang quietly above the front door, making people feel awe.

Everyone who walks in here can feel the profound cultural heritage and sense of historical mission.

Maybe you have read the wonderful line “Stop and sit in the maple forest to love the evening, the frost leaves are as red as the flowers in February”, but you have never thought that the Love Evening Pavilion is actually hidden in Yuelu Mountain.

Strolling along the corridor of Aiwan Pavilion, you can see the gurgling stream accompanied by the pavilions and pavilions, which is simple and elegant. The tree-lined paths formed by towering ancient trees allow people to discover new surprises and beauty at every turn.

In Changsha, there is both the hustle and vitality of the bustling city and the tranquility and beauty of the mountains and rivers.

Whether it is the shining pearl of Orange Island, the poetic flow of Xiangjiang River, or the thousand-year-old schools and ancient pavilions of Yuelu Mountain, people will never forget to leave and be immersed in this beautiful land.


Changsha is calm

In addition to the long-standing landscapes, Changsha’s heritage is like treasures hidden in corners, waiting to be discovered by those who are interested.

Under the towering foothills and on the shores of the vast Xiang River, Hunan University stands here. It has been baptized by dozens of wars and destroyed seven buildings, but it remains determined.

It has spanned more than ten reforms of the school-running system. It has gone through vicissitudes of life and has always adhered to the original intention of education.

There are three hundred people in Daolin and a thousand disciples in Yuelu. In the long history of China, Hunan University has always resonated with the pulse of the times.

Every major social change and every technological leap forward almost always shines with the shadow of students from this thousand-year-old institution.

Among them are Wei Yuan, the first person to open his eyes to the world, Zeng Guofan, the “first famous minister of ZTE”, Zuo Zongtang, the first planner of China’s navy, Guo Songtao, China’s first minister to foreign countries, and the first person to ascend the throne. Zhang Fengkeng went to the Antarctic…

Their deeds are like bright stars, lighting up the sky of Hunan University.

In his youth, Mao Zedong also lived in Yuelu Academy many times to explore the truth of saving the country and the people.

Although it has gone through many vicissitudes, Hunan University still stands proudly and has lasted for thousands of years, becoming a monument in the history of Chinese education.

After passing through the gate of Hunan University, don’t forget to go to Hunan Normal University to experience a different cultural atmosphere.

This university, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers and close to Yuelu Mountain and Xiangjiang River, is also simple and rich in history.

You can stroll along Taozi Lake Road, enjoy the beautiful fireworks blooming by the Xiangjiang River, and feel the tranquility and beauty.

Jinggang Ancient Town is a hometown filled with nostalgia.

Walking in the old streets and alleys, it seems that you can hear the long strings of the guzheng being gently plucked by the drizzle, playing a heart-stirring piece of music. The old river boat docked quietly on the shore, accustomed to the whispers of the river wind caressing the waves.

The old man walking from the middle of the street took a puff of local cigarettes and turned around to walk into Qingyanyu Alley. The wrinkles on his forehead and his stooped back seemed to be thrown into the Tang poetry and Song lyrics, telling the long history of the ancient town.


Changsha is literary and artistic

Changsha, a city full of literary and artistic atmosphere, is hailed by many as the “City of Art”.

It has a profound cultural heritage and a young and lively atmosphere; it is both simple and elegant, yet modern and fashionable. Various cultures are intertwined and fused here, giving off a unique light.

Meixi Lake International Culture and Art Center is a dream place in many people’s hearts.

The program “Sound into the Heart” here has made more people know about this most beautiful theater in China.

It was designed by Zaha Hadid, who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize. More than 10,000 GRC curtain wall pieces restored the shape of “hibiscus petals”, which is as difficult as a bird’s nest.

If you have the chance, why not buy a ticket and enjoy an audio-visual feast here!

Xie Zilong Image Art Museum is located in the heart of Changsha. It is an art palace where light and shadow interweave.

Here, every press of the shutter is a capture of beauty, and every work is a profound interpretation of the world.

Walking through the exhibition halls of the art museum, I seemed to be having a silent dialogue with the artists. Their works are full of praise for nature, reflection on society and exploration of human nature.

You can linger here for a long time, trying to resonate with these works and feel the power of art.

Next to the Xie Zilong Image Gallery, there is also the Li Zijian Art Museum.

This art museum was also designed by world-famous architect Zaha Hadid. It presents a streamlined appearance, full of futuristic and modern feel.

The exterior wall of the building uses a large area of glass curtain wall, which makes the entire building sparkle in the sun, giving people a very shocking visual effect.

When you walk into the museum, you will be attracted by the exquisite works of art, which seem to tell touching stories and make people linger.


Internet celebrity seats in Changsha

As we all know, the city of Changsha is now in the limelight and is known as the “Internet Celebrity City”, which is well deserved.

This is not accidental, but stems from her many unique features, each of which is enough to ignite people’s enthusiasm and make her popular outside the circle.

Pozi Street Police Station is famous all over the world for the documentary reality show “Guarding Jiefang West”. Why is it so popular?

It turns out that in this land full of life, there are endless anecdotes that even TV series can’t match.

Someone dared to say boldly in front of the police uncle, “I am the boss in Changsha!” Such boldness made people laugh.

There is also the “cross-dressing gangster” who specially disguises himself as a woman to take drugs. His behavior is so strange that it is shocking.

Of course, there is also the most handsome special police officer Liu Xijun. His style also attracts the attention of countless people.

IFS Financial Center adds a modern urban atmosphere to Changsha.

The main building is 452 meters high. When it was built, it was ranked the sixth tallest building in China and the tallest building in central China. It has given Changsha, which has experienced more than 3,000 years of wind and rain, an unprecedented height of vision and aesthetic layout.

With the IFC, Yuelu Mountain, across the river, no longer feels lonely, because this city finally has a decent opponent.

Hunan Provincial Museum is a cultural treasure.

The “plain gauze Zen clothes” that appeared in the textbooks are lying quietly in the display cases of the museum, telling the story of thousands of years.

Baxizhou is a new place for Internet celebrities to check in.

It is only eight kilometers away from Yanghu Wetland Park. The north and south waterfronts are covered with miscanthus and reeds, and the autumn scenery is picturesque.

There is a large ginkgo forest in the central area. The golden ginkgo trees shine under the warm autumn sun and are so beautiful that people are intoxicated.

Hunan Radio and Television Center, that building that looks like a “big toilet”, is the dream place of many star-chasing girls.

Many well-known programs such as “Happy Camp” and “Everyday Upward” are recorded here. Celebrities have set foot here one after another, making the place bright and lively.

Changsha, this charming city, has stories everywhere and every scene is worth cherishing.

Whether it is the ancient cultural heritage or the modern urban style, it makes people linger and indulge in it.


Changsha on the tip of the tongue

When you come to Changsha, sightseeing is of course essential, but what is more talked about is the taste bud journey of this city.

Changsha, as the capital of gourmet food, has long been famous in the gourmet world and needs no introduction.

A bowl of rice noodles has a rich soup and rich dishes. With just one taste, you can feel the ultimate deliciousness in the world of rice noodles.

The spicy and tempting stinky tofu, paired with a cup of tea, is an unforgettable experience.

Walking through the streets, you will find a dazzling array of delicacies such as sugar dumplings, brain rolls, Changsha bean curds, scallion oil cakes, canned meat, saliva chicken, hot braised food, etc., each of which is enough to make people salivate.

Late at night, the smell of fireworks fills the air. Follow the aroma to find food. A steaming pot of flavored shrimps, take a sip. This is the real nightlife.

Compared with those who work overtime late at night, Changsha people prefer to go out in the early morning, have a few drinks, enjoy a foot bath, and then taste a delicious barbecue.

While this charming city is shining with stars, you might as well plant your seeds again, and when the time comes, rush there as soon as possible and eat to your heart’s content.

In Changsha, food is the most important thing.

You can enjoy the popular Hunan dishes such as stir-fried pork with pepper, fish head with chopped pepper, steamed preserved meat and so on, and feel the fiery taste.

At the same time, this place can also satisfy your pursuit of petty bourgeoisie.

Red wine, coffee, pasta, seafood, cuisine and other kinds of Western food are exquisite and elegant, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of life while savoring delicious food.

You can linger at the restaurants in Wuyi Square and Red Star Business District to taste the unique charm of Hunan cuisine; you can also meet at the food stalls at Fisherman’s Wharf and Yangfan Night Market to feel the down-to-earth atmosphere of the city.

In addition, Changsha’s tolerance and openness are also reflected in its food.

Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine, Cantonese tea snacks, Hong Kong-style restaurants, etc., all kinds of cuisines are gathered here, allowing you to taste delicious food while relieving nostalgia and satisfying different taste bud needs and hometown nostalgia.

In Changsha, food is not only a way of life, but also a cultural inheritance and emotional sustenance.